Op ma, 27-06-2005 te 15:45 +0200, schreef Ondrej Sury:
> On Mon, 2005-06-27 at 15:35 +0200, Arjan Oosting wrote:
> > As it is nowhere forbidden in the policy and I use CDBS to generate
> > debian/control from debian/control.in (not a build-time though) and CDBS
> > adds the reference to build-essential in the Build-Depends, I am
> > inclined to leave build-essential in the Build-Depends list. 
> That's not true.  CDBS don't add build-essential to Build-Depends.
> (Maybe you can tell CDBS to mangle Build-Depends, but I even don't know
> how to do it :-).

If you use DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_DEBIAN_CONTROl in your debian/rules, CDBS
will generate debian/control from your debian/control.in. When CDBS does
this it replaces @cdbs@ with something like cdbs (>= 0.4.23-1.1),
debhelper (>= 4.1.0), patchutils (>= 0.2.25) depending on which features
of cdbs you use. 

Some packages use the @cdbs@ replacement other packages don't, such as
libgnome, but if you do then build-essential is added to your
build-depends line. Maybe some of the CDBS developers can explain why
build-essential is added in the first place? 

But whether or not this is a good feature of CDBS, the real question is
whether build dependencies on build-essential are only allowed when they
are versioned? 

Greetings Arjan Oosting 

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