
> >>[0] http://www.debconf.org/debconf5/keysigning
> >
> >A list of names of accepted keys is listed at [1].
> >
> >[1] http://people.debian.org/~anibal/ksp-dc5-names.txt
> >
> >Please send your key if you haven't done so. You have a little more
> >than a week to send it. The deadline is the end of Sunday 2 July
> >2005 UTC -1200 (the international date line timezone).
> This coming Sunday is 3 July. So the deadline is the end of Sunday
> 3 July 2005 in timezone UTC -1200.

Am I missing something or are the keys going to be prepared ?



Junichi Uekawa, Debian Developer   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/
183A 70FC 4732 1B87 57A5  CE82 D837 7D4E E81E 55C1 

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