On Tue, Jul 05, 2005 at 04:39:14PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote :
> Le mardi 05 juillet 2005 ? 16:34 +0200, Jean-Philippe Garcia Ballester a
> ?crit :
> > > 1. It's linking with openssl, and claiming to be LGPL, which 
> > >   I understand to be incompatible.
> > 
> > I assume that linking with libcrypto.so and not libssl.so does not
> > change the problem?
> > I'll talk to upstream about that, and see if he could add an exception
> > for linking with openssl, as said in the openssl faq.
> There is no need for an exception for LGPL software.
> > What I don't understand is that "objdump -p /usr/lib/libssh.so.0 | grep
> > SONAME" returns 'libssh.so.0'. Doesn't this mean its SONAME is
> > 'libssh.so.0'? If it does, where is the problem?
> > I set the shared library version to 0.0.0 since it's the first debian
> > package release.
> > I was planning to version next release 1.0.0, since interfaces will be
> > removed and since it will break backward compatibility, independantly
> > of the version number upstream will give to his release. Is this wrong?
> It is wrong, because upstream can decide at some point in the future
> that the ABI is stable, and then start to call it libssh.so.0 or
> libssh.so.1. It is much safer to use libtool' -release flag, so that it
> is called libssh-$VERSION.so.0. To achieve that, just use something like
> this in Makefile.am:
> UP_VERSION=$(something that returns 0.11, the current version)
> libssh_la_LDFLAGS = -release $(UP_VERSION)

I see your point. I tried to fix that. Hope I didn't do it wrong
(again). If someone could check...
Should the package name contain the version number? (like the libssl

Thanks for your help.

Jean-Philippe Garcia Ballester

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