On Sat, Jul 23, 2005 at 01:33:28AM +0200, Jens Peter Secher wrote:
> GCC4 does definitely not like a mix of templates and anonymous enums
> [1,2] but there are easy fixes for this.

[1] clearly stats this as illegal according to the C++ standard.

> What is worse, it seems that GCC4 silently refuses to generate code for
> some template instantiations, which results in undefined symbols in the
> library, as others have experienced [3].  It might however be the case
> that GCC4, being more C++ standards compliant, has simply revealed a
> problem in the Crypto++ template code.

Explicit template instantiation is a gcc extension. Also [3] don't show
undefined symbols.


        "That unit is a woman."
        "A mass of conflicting impulses."
                -- Spock and Nomad, "The Changeling", stardate 3541.9

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