Kevin Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, Aug 02, 2005 at 03:31:36PM +1200, Nigel Jones wrote:
>> Also: say that if an AM/DAM does not process x applications a month
>> (reasonably fair amount (say 5) and allow for vaccations/sickness etc)
>> then they may face removal, as Yaroslav Halchenko said, there are ~61
> Hi Nigel,
> would it be helpful to have some kind of status check every 6mo. to ask
> the AM's if they have the available time to process N apps. Something
> like 'no time','vacation','accepting N applicants'. If folks know who is
> 'open for business', it eliminates the confusion as who to ask.

That's not a problem at the moment and is worse than the current
state. AMs can simply go to nm.d.o and use the "Change Profile" page to
say how many applicants they want to have.

It's nice that you want to help, but please don't make proposals to
solve problems that don't exist. If I don't answer these mails here,
I'll have to face accusations that I'm not communicative enough and that
the NM process needs to be more transparent - OTOH, I had plans to work
trough my AM backlog for ... errr ... right now.

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248: Virenwarnung
       MS Outlock wird mal wieder getestet. (Manfred Worm Schäfer)

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