Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: > # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version ###VERSION### > block 322762 with 322797 322795 322794 322790 322789 322788 322785 322786 > 322787 322791 322792 322793 322798 322813 322811 322800 322799 322801 322803 > 322804 322805 322806 322807 322808 322809 322810 322812 322814 Bug#322762: /usr/doc still exists (transition tracking bug) Was blocked by: 189856 190020 203278 254800 254913 254924 254930 255590 256226 256250 302504 320084 320103 321926 322749 322769 322772 322776 322778 322779 322781 322782 322783 322784 Blocking bugs added: 322797, 322795, 322794, 322790, 322789, 322788, 322785, 322786, 322787, 322791, 322792, 322793, 322798, 322813, 322811, 322800, 322799, 322801, 322803, 322804, 322805, 322806, 322807, 322808, 322809, 322810, 322812, 322814
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