On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 05:08:00AM +0200, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> On Aug 15, John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why not rather move towards a more BSD approach, where any developer
> > can commit changes to any package?  It would work around having the
> Any developer can already "commit" changes to any package. The obvious
> problem is that it is very hard to have everybody involved agree on
> non-trivial changes.
> But I think that encouraging NMUs (even mass-NMUs) for trivial changes
> would be good.

I tend to agree.  Personally, I keep all my packages under subversion.
While I would certainly welcome help if I started falling behind or
otherwise needed it, it would be rather disruptive if someone started
uploading updates to my packages without coordination.

Regardless of whether or not I agreed with the changes, there is a real
problem in the sense that my package under revision control is no longer
in sync with whatever is in the archive.  I know that NMUs also pose the
same problem, but one of the goals behind an NMU should be to upload the
*minimal* change that corrects the specific problem.  In such cases it
should not be too difficult to get back in sync.

There would either have to be a) some agreed upon central repository for
*all* packages, or b) coordination between the primary team or
maintainer.  Option b is essentially what we do now, just that the
coordination is typically done in the form of patches.  I.e., people
don't go around randomly uploading other people's packages.  Option a is
likely doomed to fail since revision control tool choices are like a
choice of text editor or religion.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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