On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 10:19:38 +0200, Ingo Juergensmann
>On Sun, Aug 21, 2005 at 03:58:24AM +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
>> 4. The requirement that any port has to have 5 developers support it,
>>    and be able to demonstrate that there are (at least) 50 users.
>How should this demonstration should be achieved? What is the procedure for
>this? When I grep my /etc/passwd I have 28 users for m68k on my own, but
>that machine just counts as one user on popcon.d.o.
>>    Some people feared that this could kill off a port such as s390,
>>    which typically has little installations, but many users on a single
>>    installation. It was confirmed that the important number here is the
>>    number of users, rather than the number of installations; so any port
>>    should be able to reach that number.
>... and this paragraph makes clear, that you just can't use popcon for that
>issue. So, how shall those users be counted?

Popcon is good in giving a lower boundary for the number of users, so
if an arch has 50 machines reporting to popcon, it is sure to have
passed the 50 user limit.

I can imagine that for archs with less than 50 machines reporting to
popcon it could be possible to have some kind of registration


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