(Apologies to those who receive this multiple times - I wanted it to reach a
wide audience.  Replies only to -project please, unless there is something
specific to another list that is more appropriate to discuss there.)

Hi everyone,

The Debian Women project is celebrating Software Freedom Day [1] on Saturday
10th September (yes, that's soon!) by running some online activities to promote
the involvement of women in Debian.  Please tell female friends, relatives and
colleagues about our activities and encourage them to join us if they are

In brief, we are going to be

1) Running an IRC channel for people who are new to Debian Women (and possibly
new to IRC) to come and say hello and meet some of the Debian Women regulars.
This will be friendly and non-technical in nature.  The channel is
#debian-women-new on oftc, and will be operating for 24 hours on 10th September
GMT.  For more details see the DW mailing list thread [2].

2) Running a DW "help" day.  This will be for people who may or may not be
involved in Debian/DW and want help with things like packaging and submitting
bugs or who have technical problems that they want to solve.

3) Running a DW bug-squashing party.  This will also be technical in nature and
its aim is to find bugs and squash them.  This effort will be based in the
#debian-bugs channel on freenode.

See the DW mailing list [3] over the next couple of days for more details.


1. http://www.softwarefreedomday.org/
2.  http://lists.debian.org/debian-women/2005/09/msg00003.html

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