On 9/9/05, Matthew Garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Humberto Massa GuimarĂ£es <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I doubt that "people who do not wish to become legally bound to appear
> >> at the the author's home court whenever he files a frivolous lawsuit"
> >> can be meaningfully described as a "group of persons" that can be
> >> discriminated against. If everybody belongs to the group, is it
> >> meaningfull to discriminate against it?
> >
> > Try "people who do not have enough money to travel to $VENUE to defend
> > themselves from a frivolous lawsuit -- one that they will lose by defaulting
> > their court appearance". I think Debian agrees that "poor people" in general
> > is a group that is protected by DFSG#5.
> Whereas the alternative may be that licensors are unable to afford the
> enforcement of their license. Would you prefer to discriminate against
> them?

It certainly sounds better. The licensor can then choose not to
enforce it, whereas the licensee wouldn't have the choice not to
defend himself.

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