On Fri, Nov 11, 2005 at 05:18:09PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 01:40:27PM -0600, Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 02:53:01PM +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > > On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 08:55:41PM -0600, Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
> > > > many of Erast's responses were at best antagonistic, 
> > > > and at worst showed a complete disregard for what Debian is all about.  
> > > Speaking of antagonistic...
> > Huh? 
> "Kenneth's responses have ranged from being dismissive to hostile."
> That would be antagonistic in that:
>   * it makes the problem overly personal -- I'd be making you, personally,
>     out to be the problem rather than saying your arguments or claims are
>     wrong and should be abandoned;
>   * it's overly critical -- portions of your responses might have been
>     dismissive or the OpenSolaris guys' work, and it might've been
>     possible to interpret your responses in a hostile manner, but that
>     doesn't mean such an interpretation is correct or the most important
>     aspect of your mails;
>   * it's also blatantly dishonest -- not all of your mails have been
>     dismissive to hostile.
> The latter's the case for Erast too -- take [0] eg, which doesn't seem
> remotely antagonistic, let alone showing a complete disregard for what
> Debian is all about.

Well, yes, but my statement wasn't that broadly worded - note I said
"many of Erast's responses" not just "Erast's responses".  Perhaps the
word "many" is an overly broad characterization, but there were quite a
few, especially in the part of the thread I originally replied to (which
is why I replied to him in the first place).

Anyway, I don't feel we need to go into this any deeper.  I understand
the point you're trying to make.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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