Il giorno lun, 09/01/2006 alle 15.09 -0800, Matt Zimmerman ha scritto:

> The reality of the situation is much less controversial.  If a Debian
> maintainer finds it useful to manage their translations in Rosetta, then
> they can do that today, as a matter of individual choice.  If they or a
> future maintainer of the same package prefers to manage the translations by
> hand, they can do that, and never touch Rosetta.  Launchpad is a collection
> of tools intended to promote more efficient collaboration on the development
> of free software, and if it is to succeed, it will be because individuals
> choose to use it, not because any organization requires that they do so.

What really I don't understand is how a proprietary tool can promote
more efficient collaboration on the development of _free software_.
Sounds like an ossimoron to me.


Federico Di Gregorio               
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
INIT.D Developer                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the
   time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.    -- D.E.Knuth

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