Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 11:08:14AM +0100, Frank Küster wrote:
>> It *seems* it has been fixed; but I don't know whether it has just
>> disappeared, or has been fixed by human intervention, and if yes by
>> which.  Since the first may be true, it might as well reappear again.
> <sigh>  No, buildds don't magically go from believing a dependency is
> satisfied, to believing it's not satisfied, and back again.  If the problem
> has disappeared, it's due to human intervention.

Reverting the argument, this means that the buildd only believed the
dependency was satisfied while in fact it wasn't after a human's
intervention.  I don't believe that buildd admins deliberately did
this...  There might have been some bug causing this, but hardware
failures also sometimes manifest as apparently "random" behavior.

And, by the way, I think that evidence is more for the view that it
wasn't a complete package that was missing, but rather only particular
files - at least this was the case previously when mysql-dfsg-5.0

>> > or a bug in some
>> > maintainer script or other;
>> How a bug in a maintainer script could have the result that installing
>> an arch-all package fails because an other arch-all package is not
>> there, and how this can happen on only one particular machine of one
>> particular architecture, this I fail to see.
> Then you haven't been looking at buildds for very long.

Fortunately not, since my packages hardly suffered FTBFSes, and the ones
they caused where of a different nature.

> Historically such
> problems were unpleasantly frequent on buildds due to a combination of buggy
> postrm scripts, and a bug in dpkg's rollback support when calling dpkg
> --purge for a package in the "installed" state.  I believe the dpkg bug is
> fixed now, but a) I could be wrong, and b) there may be other bugs in the
> world.

Ah - can you point me to something to read about this?  How can it be
architecture-specific, or host-specific?

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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