Kevin Mark wrote:
> Hi *,
> I noticed on occassion on -devel and planet that folks mention in passing
> that "I'll be in MN in US from MAR 01 thru 05" and I'd like to have a
> beer and do keysigning. Would it be worthwhile to create a list like
> 'debian-meetup' (or debian-beer-meetup x-))that would allow folks to
> give this info on what would be a low-volume list. I love to meetup with
> floss folks who have a flight stop-over or will be in town for a day or
> so. I guess some issue maybe the idea of personal security and
> privacy--- people knowing where you will be and providing contact
> info--but the messages as specific as people want and the basic info
> could be state and email contact address with a month/week given.
> Cheers,
> Kev
> ps. I recall folks saying that debian-private has 'holiday info' or
> people whereabouts. This would be voluntary and would not include that
> info.
I think a wiki would be more effective. That way you could have people
in those areas say "I'd love to meet any DD passing through" and
actually be noticed. It could be organized with separate pages for
various regions, etc.

Just my $0.02

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