Package: wnpp
Severity: normal


I would like to give the texmacs package into caring hands. TeXmacs is
a mathematical text editor, combining a wysiwyg interface with the
typesetting quality of TeX. In fact, the program contains a complete
re-implementation of Knuth's TeX typesetting algorithm, minus some 
of its limitations. The intended audience is mathematical writers,
for this reason it has interfaces to many computer algebra systems.
Some people abuse texmacs as a wysiwyg fromtend to write LaTeX (since
it has an output converter to LaTeX), but in fact it is much more.

I have been maintaining this packaeg for more than four years,
in recent times with the help of Magnus Ekdahl. Unfortunately,
I do not have the time to continue maintaining this package, and
for the same reason Magnus cannot take over maintainership. In
all the time the package has grown to my heart :-), and I would
feel bad leaving the users of the package out in the cold. Hence
I really would like this package to be taken over by some caring

Knowledge of C++ would be very helpful. There is an upstream
bug tracer at savannah and a small upstream developer community.
Coordination with upstream is easy. The main outstanding issues
of the package are a better integration of fonts, and compilation
with gcc-4.1.

For the moment I can continue to do the maintenance, but if there
is no taker in some weeks I will orphan the package.


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