
I agree that my message has been very emotional.

I'm sorry for that and I apologize to all I have hurt.

I really lost my nerves. You can imagine that from the fact, that I'm active member of some 15+ GNU bug/mailing lists and really don't need more. For 4 years with Debian, nothing has ever provoked me so much (and there has been much that easily could, especially in era of Woody :-)

You're right by all means. I must only point out that the problem has been reported and traced in all the right places -both debian bugtacker and ooo issuezilla. It's been the lack of any further action, and strong powerless feeling, that provoked me to such a miserable action as the message I sent.
I couldn't use the OOo2.0 for nearly 2 months, and however I am able to search bug tracker and to apply workarounds, I can imagine people that lack the technical skills to do that. The blame I bringed up here, You can consider partially theirs voice, that is hard to hear otherwise.
I think it's better to take blame here in developement mailing list, than take it from the ordinary users, because they're usually silent, and if they spoke ever, it'd be already late.

I know that Debian is a large project and the fact that it works the way it does, is kind of miracle. However, the bad problem on bad place can override this all..


Charles Plessy  wrote / napísal(a):
Now, I have awaken because of bug 372719. Wine crashes,
2.0 crashes upon saving a document. The bug was introduced in
"security update" of libfreetype. Identification of problem was quick
in community, and also in Debian. Just apply the next
security update that will fix the bug.

Not that easy. It's 2 months now and bug still there.

Dear Mgr Tuharsky,

The Debian bug tracking system contains pseudo-packages to report such
problems to the relevant persons. For your case, the pseudo-package is

By sending your message directly to a wider audience, you give the
impression that its purpose is to ashame the responsible persons, not to
inform them, especially as you added remarks about abandonning Debian
because of you are not satisfied of the quality of their work.

In the meantime before the breakage is resolved, please note the
workaround published in the bug you cited.

Best regards,


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