
        This is version 1.05 of the draft, now with typo fixes, and
 some initial policy support for partial upgrades for pure python
 public modules that are trying to drop support for older versions of
 python. The idea is that error cases are minimized if we do not drop
 a version of python in a new stable that was the default version in
 oldstable; at the same time insisting that every pre python public
 module that says "all" in the versions supported field must support
 all shipping versions of python in stable (even if this takes extra
 effort in the form of splitting off private modules and including them
 conditionally based on python version from a wrapper module that does
 little but conditional imports.

        The current version, and future updates, are to be
 found at http://www.golden-gryphon.com/software/manoj-policy/


                      Packaging with the new Python policy

A package developers view

  Manoj Srivastava

   The Debian Project

   Copyright (c) 2006 Manoj Srivastava

   Revision History
   Revision 1.0.5               4^th November 2006
   Revision 1.0.4               12 Aug 2006
   Revision 1.0.3               10 Aug 2006
   Revision 1.0.2               8 Aug 2006
   Revision 1.0.1               07 Aug 2006
   Revision 1.0.0               31 Jul 2006

   Specification of the new Python policy. This article grew as an attempt to
   correct a gap in the concrete specification of the new Python policy, and
   has grown to be close to a formal specification of the proposed new


   Table of Contents

   1. [1]Introduction

                1.1. [2]Acknowledgements

   2. [3]Goals of the new Python policy

   3. [4]Nomenclature and definitions

                3.1. [5]Python versions

                             3.1.1. [6]The Default Python version

                3.2. [7]Categorization of Python software

   4. [8]General Notes

                4.1. [9]Naming python module packages

                4.2. [10]Python versions supported by the source

                4.3. [11]Byte compilation

                4.4. [12]Linking extention modules

                4.5. [13]Depends:

                4.6. [14]Provides

                4.7. [15]Build-Depends:

                4.8. [16]Deprecating "current" in versions supported

   5. [17]Recipe for developers

                5.1. [18]Script

                             5.1.1. [19]Supported versions

                5.2. [20]Private Pure Python Modules

                             5.2.1. [21]Byte compilation

                             5.2.2. [22]Supported versions

                5.3. [23]Private Extension

                             5.3.1. [24]Supported versions

                5.4. [25]Public pure Python Module

                             5.4.1. [26]Byte compiling

                             5.4.2. [27]Supported versions

                             5.4.3. [28]Depends:

                5.5. [29]Public Extension

                             5.5.1. [30]Supported versions

                             5.5.2. [31]Provides

   6. [32]Changing the default Python version

                6.1. [33]Python rtupdate scripts

                             6.1.1. [34]rtupdate script invocation

1. Introduction

     While trying to update SELinux packages, I ran across problems in trying
   to determine if my packages were complying with the new python policy: any
   practical tips for packaging generally devolved to the statement "Oh, just
   run dh_python". This is my attempt to offer more concrete tips for
   packaging. While this document started by reverse engineering dh_python,
   it has, thanks to help from various people more knowledgeable about Python
   than I, moved beyond that, and is closer to being a specification
   unfettered by the idiosyncrasies of current tools and implementations.

     So now this document is a draft formal specification of the proposed new
   Python packaging policy. While it draws upon earlier documents, notable
   [35]Debian Python Policy , and the [36]new policy Wiki, the [37]Debian
   Python FAQ, and the source code for dh_python, and debhelper scripts, it
   has essentially been written from scratch, with material reworded,
   reorganized, and rearranged, to the extent that it bears little
   resemblance to the original sources.

     Compiled Python modules are very dependent on the specific Python
   version they were compiled against, and may otherwise have restrictions on
   the versions of Python they are compatible with. Unless care is taken,
   introducing, or dropping, new versions of Python, or changing the default
   version, trigger long and often painful transitions where the archive is
   inconsistent, and the systems is ill-integrated for the duration. This new
   Python policy seeks to address these potential messy transitions, and
   minimize the pain.


  1.1. Acknowledgements

     While this document draws upon the expertise of multiple people and
   various documents, it has benefited especially from the patience and
   gentle corrections of people on the Debian-devel mailing list, and
   specifically from Josselin Mouette, Loíc Minier, Pierre Habouzit, and
   Matthias Klose.


2. Goals of the new Python policy

     The new policy is designed to reduce the load on people packaging Python
   [38]modules, and, by the dint of doing so, ease the transition that occur
   as new Python versions are introduced, old ones removed, and as the
   default version of Python changes, with minimal impact on the target
   system. As far as possible, Python version transition events are handled
   by automated processes, and minimal effort recompilation of new versions
   when the process can not be fully automated.

     *   The need to support more than one version of a python runtime or to
       support different implementations was seen. It takes a while for
       applications to support new versions of Python, and supporting
       multiple versions of Python is essential for a smooth transition

     *   The old schema of using pythonX.Y-foo packages lands packages in the
       NEW queue, when support for another python runtime is added to the
       package. Since this requires manual intervention, support for new
       versions of Python added manual processing and often delayed the
       support for the new Version of python.

         Having pythonX.Y-foo mentioned in the control file would disallow
       binary NMU's in situations where a python runtime is dropped or added,
       since the control needs to be regenerated.

     *   Putting extension modules for more than one python version into a
       package eases transition of these packages to the testing
       distribution, provided that the package supports to default python
       version in testing and the default python version in unstable. [39][1]

     *   Ease the manual intervention required when any of the following
       events occur:

            New python version introduced

                       *   Most [40]pure Python modules with no restrictions
                         on the version of Python supported, and those pure
                         Python modules that only have a lower bound on the
                         versions of python supported (for example, ">= 2.3",
                         or "all"), would require no upload; they are merely
                         recompiled using the rtupdate hooks, or utilities
                         like python-central and python-support that hook
                         themselves into rtupdate.

                       *   A number of [41]public [42]extension modules that
                         do not have restrictions on the version of Python
                         supported can just be recompiled. These include
                         packages like:

                            *   Packages using $(shell pyversions -s) to
                              determine which Python versions to build for at
                              build time, and which build depend upon
                              python-all-dev would work seamlessly.

                            *   Some packages using CDBS will also work out
                              of the box.

                            *   Packages using the distutils> build system
                              should also work.

                       *   [43]Private modules are only built for one Python
                         version, usually the default (pyversions -d).
                         Private modules that do not have restrictions on the
                         version of Python required, or which intelligently
                         use $(shell pyversions -s) and their internal
                         restrictions to discover which version of Python to
                         build for would also merely need to be recompiled.

                      The only packages that will need manual upgrades, are
                    packages that needed a set of python versions that did
                    not contained the (at the upload time) current python
                    version, and a couple of other cases, which should reduce
                    the packages that need a non-automatized action from the
                    maintainer (like a new source upload). This reduction of
                    manual intervention should reduce the effort and time
                    taken for changing the Python version or adding or
                    dropping versions of Python much more painless than the
                    old policy.

              Changing the [44]default Python version

                      The new policy aims to reduce the pressure on packagers
                    when the default Python version (what /usr/bin/python
                    points to) changes. In that case, it tries to:

                       *   Any packages that do not need to change need not
                         be rebuilt or uploaded. Pure Python modules, either
                         public or private, should be byte compiled
                         automatically on the target machine using the
                         rtupdate mechanisms.

                       *   Packages that have already an extension installed
                         for the new version of Python do not need to change
                         either, since they would continue to keep working.

            Dropping old Python versions

                      The new policy also aims to reduce the pressure when an
                    old version of Python is dropped, since only packages
                    directly dependent on that version will need a manual
                    upgrade (this includes, for example, any package with
                    scripts that use /usr/bin/pythonX.Y).

     The new policy also reduces the numbers of packages in the archive, by
   supporting multiple versions of Python in the same binary package (at the
   cost of increased size of that one package, but it should still result in
   space saving.) [45][2]

     This presupposes that the package build mechanism utilizes the utility
   pyversions to get information about the supported Python versions, the
   currently installed Python executable versions, and the default Python
   runtime, instead of hard coding values in the debian/rules script. This
   script can also be used to parse the value of the XS-Python-Version field
   in the debian/control or debian/pyversions.

     Another consequence of the current design: the default python version
   has to be installed, other supported versions can be installed
   additionally, not as a replacement.


3. Nomenclature and definitions

     This section sets the scene for the rest of the document, with
   definitions and glossary of terms used later in the manual.


  3.1. Python versions

     A number of different versions, or releases, of Python are available for
   a Debian system. These include legacy releases, current releases, and beta
   or future releases of Python. The list of currently supported versions of
   Python can be found in the file /usr/share/python/debian_defaults. The
   file is in plain text, divided into sections with headings in square
   brackets. In each section there are lists of variables and values, one per
   line, in the format variable = value. The variable default-version in the
   section "DEFAULT" gives the current default Python package name, and the
   variable supported-versions contains a comma separated list of package
   names corresponding to the supported versions of Python in the
   distribution. In order to facilitate partial upgrades, versions of Pythion
   that were the default in the previous stable release of Debian are usually
   retained in the current release.

     In this manual, we consider the term versions to be "feature" releases
   -- consisting of a major and a minor version (sub minor versions are not


    3.1.1. The Default Python version

     At any given time, one version of Python supported by the Debian
   distribution is designated as the "default" version. The package python
   will contain the current default version. [46][3] All other versions of
   Python available in Debian would be called pythonX.Y

     The python must provide a symbolic link from the executable
   /usr/bin/python to the appropriate binary file /usr/bin/pythonX.Y.


  3.2. Categorization of Python software


             This consists of software directly called by an end user of
           external program, and is independently interpreted by the Python
           interpreter. Usually starts with the magic bytes "#!", with the
           interpreter being /usr/bin/python* or /usr/bin/env python*.


             This is code included in python "programs/scripts", and not
           invoked directly (serving as library modules in compiled

     Modules can be categorized under two orthogonal criteria: firstly, based
   on the whether or not they are implemented purely in python, like so:

   Pure Python Module

             These are python source code, to be interpreted by the Python
           interpreter just like program/script code is, and may work across
           many versions of Python.

   Extension Module

             Extensions are C code compiled for a specific version of Python,
           and so may only be used by one version of Python.

     Another way of categorizing modules is based on whether or not they are
   available for use by third party scripts/modules.


             Public modules are available for use in other Python scripts or
           modules using the import directive. They are installed in one of
           the directories:


                          This directory is reserved for official python
                        modules. No other package apart from upstream
                        official Python modules should install modules in
                        this directory.


                          This is where most add-on modules live. Often,
                        packages do not directly install modules here, but
                        instead use utility packages like python-central and
                        python-support to byte compile and install modules as


                          Packages using python-support actually have their
                        packages linked in from this directory, but no
                        package should directly install modules there
                        directly. See the documentation for python-support
                        for details.

             Packages may install public Python modules in directories
           specific to Python packaging utilities -- which specify the
           directories under which such modules should be dropped, and the
           the structure of these directories is defined by the utilities
           themselves. Please note that these directories are not in the path
           for Python, and are not available for modules to be imported from.
           At the time of writing, such utility specific directories include:




             Private modules are modules that are used internally by a
           program, and are generally only accessible to that specific
           program or suite of programs included in the same package. They
           are not intended to be shared with third party programs. They are
           installed in special directories, for example:



4. General Notes

     One of the major features of Python packaging on Debian systems is that
   pure Python modules are byte compiled for all officially supported
   versions of Python that are available, and are actually supported by the
   module itself. There are several utilities available to aid in this task.
   Two of the most popular (and mutually exclusive -- select one or the other
   for use in your packages) (python-central and python-support, for
   example). However, these utilities need information about modules in the
   package (for example, whether a pure Python module supports all versions
   of Python or not).

     Python packages (unrelated to Debian packages) are related parts of a
   software system, that consist of a file __init__.py, pure Python modules,
   extension modules, and other packages. These Python packages must be
   packaged into the same directory structure employed by the upstream Python
   package, since splitting the package components across directories, or
   otherwise changing the layout, changes the layout order and may cause
   breakages, subtle bugs, render the documentation inaccurate, and confuse
   IDEs and other tools.


  4.1. Naming python module packages

     Packages containing public modules should be named, or should provide,
   python-foo, where foo is the name of the Python module.


  4.2. Python versions supported by the source

     The XS-Python-Version field in debian/control specifies the versions of
   Python supported by the package [47][4]. While this is a requirement only
   if using the utility package python-central (python-support, for example,
   prefers debian/pyversions), setting this is "appreciated" in any case,
   according to the [48]new policy wiki[49][5]. This is used to track
   packages during Python transitions, and test rebuilds.

     This can be a single version, or one or more of a list of
   non-overlapping ranges. The lowest range may optionally omit a low end,
   and the highest range may optionally omit an upper end. In other words,
   the overall range may be open ended. The ranges are often matched to the
   set of all known Python version that have existed, and the supported set
   is the intersection of the known versions of python and the range

    1.   If the current version of Python is supported by the package, then:

          *   For packages with private modules or private extensions
            compiled for the current python version and for applications
            using /usr/bin/python, this should be set to the string "all" (or
            "-", in the case of debian/pyversions). [50][6] If the module
            doesn't work with all Python version, the set of versions
            supported should be used [51][7]

          *   For packages with public modules, this should be set to the
            string "all" (or "-", in the case of debian/pyversions), unless
            not all versions of Python are supported (in which case the
            setting should specify the versions or set of versions actually
            supported, like ">= 2.4" or ">= 2.2, << 2.y".

    2.   If the current version is not supported, or if the application uses
       /usr/bin/pythonX.Y explicitly, then this should be set to the (list
       of) version(s) supported.


  4.3. Byte compilation

     Any pure Python modules shipped in a package should not ship with the
   corresponding byte compiled versions, since the byte compiled file is
   specific to the version of Python that did the compilation. In order to
   ease transitions, it is desirable that the byte compilation be done on the
   target system on installation, and it should be feasible to redo the byte
   compilation at will at any time (for example, when a new version of Python
   is installed, or when the default version of Python changes).

     So the package maintainer scripts arrange to have the pure Python
   modules compiled on installation, and removed when the package is removed,
   and also arrange to hook into the [52]rtupdate mechanism to redo the
   byte-compilation whenever the status of the installed Python versions on
   the system changes. There are a variety of tools (python-central and
   python-support) to facilitate this task.

     A package should only compile pure Python modules that belong to it, and
   should honor the setting in the configuration file
   /etc/python/debian_config which allows the local administrator to
   configure how modules are byte-compiled.


  4.4. Linking extention modules

     There should be no reason to link the extension against the python
   library. Usually many extensions which are developed upstream on Windows
   do link by default to libpython. Other extensions linking against
   libpython are those with build infrastructure maybe predating distutils.


  4.5. Depends:

     The rules for calculating the dependencies a package has are simple.

    1.   If a script invokes /usr/bin/pythonX.Y, than the package must depend
       on pythonX.Y. This is because no amount of automatic byte compiling
       would ever get rid of the requirement that /usr/bin/pythonX.Y has to
       be present for the script to function.

    2.   For package that contains extensions, the set of Python versions
       required has to be restricted to Python versions for which the
       extensions have been built and shipped in the package (this is in
       intersection with the set of versions restrictions already in place,
       for example if the module explicitly requires some version of python).
       For packages with private extension modules, this means that the set
       of python versions it depends on has to be set to whatever version of
       Python was used during the build process (since private extension
       module packages can only be compiled for one version of Python at any



             i.   If any version of python can be supported, there are two
                [53][8] sub cases:

                  A.   For pure Python modules, the package just depends on
                     python. This includes pure Python private modules (as
                     long as they do not depend on any private extensions --
                     in which case the extensions shall restrict the

                  B.   Private extension modules can only be compiled for one
                     version of Python at a time, so even if they have no
                     restrictions on the versions of python supported, they
                     must depend on just the current version (which is the
                     version they are likely to be compiled for).

                       To do this, one determines the stop version: the stop
                     version is next minor version after the current version
                     (found by incrementing the minor version), whether or
                     not it exists, and is form of Major.Minor.

                       In this case, the package must depend on:   python (>=
                     $current_version), python (<< $stop_version)

         b.   If there is a set of values of versions of Python supported,
            there are two sub cases:

             i.   The current version is supported. In this case, select the
                larger interval in the set of Python versions supported that
                contains the current version, and determine the lower and
                upper bounds.

                  If the lower bound to the set exists, then add a dependency
                on   python (>= $min_version)

                  If the upper bound to the set exists, then the stop version
                is the next minor version after the upper bound (found by
                incrementing the minor version), whether or not it exists,
                and is form of Major.Minor. If the upper bound to the set
                exists, then depend on   python (<< $stop_version)

             ii.   The package does not support the current version of
                 Python, again, there are again two sub cases:

                   A.   The set of Python versions supported is higher than
                      the current version. In this case, the package should
                      depend upon:   python (>= $min_version) |

                        If the upper bound to the set exists, then the stop
                      version is the next minor version after the upper bound
                      (found by incrementing the minor version), whether or
                      not it exists, and is form of Major.Minor. If the upper
                      bound to the set exists, then depend on   python (<<

                   B.   The set of Python versions supported is lower than
                      the current version. This implies that the package is
                      obsolete, and should either be updated to support the
                      current Python version, or be dropped from the archive.

     Packaged modules that require other modules to work, must depend on the
   corresponding python-foo packages. They must not depend on any
   pythonX.Y-foo package directly.

     Packaged modules available for only one particular version of Python
   that need other modules (say, "bar"), must depend on the corresponding
   pythonX.Y-bar packages, and must not depend on any python-bar. For
   consistency, if the package ("foo") provides several pythonX.Y-foo
   packages, and it needs the module "bar", it must also depend on
   pythonX.Y-bar corresponding to each version "X.Y" for the virtual packages
   pythonX.Y-foo that it provides.


  4.6. Provides

     Packages with public modules and extensions should be named, or should
   provide, python-foo. Pure Python public modules that support all Python
   versions need not have a Provides field.

     For package that contains public extensions, the set of versions
   supported has to be restricted to Python versions for which the extensions
   have been built and shipped in the package.

     Public pure Python modules that have a subset of all python versions
   supported, or for public extensions, the Provides field indicates which
   versions of Python are supported (for which one may import the module).
   For every version of python supported the package should provide
   pythonX.Y-foo packages. This assumes that the package correctly depends on
   all the appropriate versions of any version specific module that it itself


  4.7. Build-Depends:

     If the package provides public extension modules, then build depending
   on "python-all-dev (>= 2.3.5-11)" shall ensure that all the >pythonX.Y-dev
   packages are available during building. Pure python modules do not require
   any development packages at build time, since they are byte compiled on
   the target machine at install time.

     On the other hand, if the package provides private modules, then build
   depending on "python-dev", or one specific "pythonX.Y-dev" (if there are
   restrictions on the version of Python supported) is sufficient, since only
   one version of Python is ever supported in any package.

     If you are using helper packages (CDBS, yada, debhelper, etc) you should
   build depend on the appropriate version. This also applies if your build
   process uses either python-central or python-support.


  4.8. Deprecating "current" in versions supported

     Currently, the string "current" in the field XS-Python-Version is used
   by python-central to indicate that the package contains private modules,
   and explicitly state that the package is only built for the current Python
   version, and not for any other version supported in Debian. This is
   flawed, for the following reasons:

     *   The value corresponds to the version of Python the package is
       currently built for; but in all other cases the semantics of the
       XS-Python-Version field is to indicate which versions of Python are
       supported by the package, and indicates compatibility, not the version
       it is currently built against. So this special case breaks the
       semantics of the field.

     *   The information conveyed by this field is redundant; it should be
       clear that the package contains private modules, based on the
       directories the modules are shipped in, and also the fact that it
       ought to build depend on python-dev and not on python-all-dev.

     *   The semantics of "current" are not fixed, since they depend on the
       contents of the package python-defaults, and are ill suited for the
       debian/control file.


5. Recipe for developers

  5.1. Script

     These are executable scripts which start with the magic string "#!".


    5.1.1. Supported versions

     If a script invokes /usr/bin/pythonX.Y, then the version supported by
   the source package (XS-Python-Version or debian/pyversions) should be
   restricted to X.Y, assuming that the field is being provided. Or else, it
   should be set to the list of python versions that the script can support,
   or "all". [54][9] If there are separate scripts that invoke different
   versions of Python, then all these versions must be in the Depends field
   -- if you still want to continue packaging instead of just shooting the

     No script must use /usr/bin/python if it needs a Python version strictly
   greater or strictly lower than the current version.


  5.2. Private Pure Python Modules

     These are python source code files that live in a private directory. If
   a package contains a private pure Python module, only one Python version
   may be supported, even if the private module can be recompiled for any new
   version of Python.


    5.2.1. Byte compilation

     Any directory in which private pure Python modules are placed should be
   remembered, and the modules byte-compiled on installation. This is done
   automatically if one uses python-central, python-support uses the
   information in the file /usr/share/python-support/$package.dirs for a list
   of directories to scan.


    5.2.2. Supported versions

     The version supported by the source package (XS-Python-Version or
   debian/pyversions) is either the specific version of Python supported, or
   "all" [55][10] , if there are no specific restrictions based on Python

     This should be set to "all" [56][11] if there are no specific
   restrictions based on Python version. Note that presence of private
   extension modules in the same package would mean that there are
   restrictions on the XB-Python-Version field.

     If only a subset of Python versions are supported by the package, then
   the list of versions supported should be used [57][12]


  5.3. Private Extension

     These are compiled files linked to python libraries, and kept in a
   private directory. Since these files are compiled with one specific
   version of python, and do not live in versioned directories, only one
   version of python is supported at any given time.


    5.3.1. Supported versions

     The version supported by the source package (XS-Python-Version or
   debian/pyversions) is either the specific version of Python supported, or
   "all" [58][13], if there are no specific restrictions based on Python

     If a single version of Python is supported, then the version supported
   by the binary package (XB-Python-Version field or the file .versions) is
   set to that version (copied from XS-Python-Version). If the current
   default version of Python is not supported, this field it set to the
   minimum version of Python actually supported by the module. If the current
   default version of Python is supported (or there are no restrictions on
   the version of python supported), then this field is set to the current


  5.4. Public pure Python Module

     Public modules should be packaged with a name of python-foo, where foo
   is the name of the module. Such a package should support the current
   Debian Python version, and more if possible.

     There are two kinds of public pure Python modules, the most common being
   the variety that live in unversioned public module directories, and, in
   rare cases, pure python modules that live in versioned public module
   directories. The latter is usually the case when the pure Python module
   imports a public extension module from the same directory, and thus the
   public extension and pure python modules must be in the same directory.
   Otherwise, pure python modules should live in an unversioned public module
   directory. Pure python versions that live in unversioned directories must
   support all versions of Python being shipped by Debian[59][14]

     Depending on the packaging utility used, the modules live in either
   /usr/share/python-central or in /usr/share/python-support/$package.

     Pure Python modules belonging to the core Python package generally live
   in a different set of directories than unofficial ones, but are otherwise
   treated exactly like other public pure Python Module which live in
   unversioned directories as detailed below.


    5.4.1. Byte compiling

     In the common case of pure Python modules in unversioned public module
   directories, tools exist to help byte compile the pure Python modules for
   all versions of Python installed on the target system. In case of pure
   Python modules in versioned public module directories, byte compilation is
   up to the package scripts.


    5.4.2. Supported versions

     For the source package, this should be the version of Python supported,
   or "all", if there are no specific restrictions based on Python version.
   In case of pure Python modules in versioned public module directories, the
   set of versions supported usually corresponds to the list of versioned
   directories in which pure Python modules live.


    5.4.3. Depends:

     Dependencies for the package also differ slightly based on whether the
   pure Python module is version dependent or not.

    1.   In the common case of pure Python modules in unversioned public
       module directories,

         a.   If there is a minimum supported version,

             i.   If the minimum version supported is less than or equal to
                the current version, then depend on   python (>=

             ii.   Or else, if the minimum version supported is greater than
                 the current version, then depend on   python (>=
                 $min_version) | python$min_version

              If a upper bound of the supported versions exists, then the
            stop version is the next minor version after the maximum
            supported version (found by incrementing the minor version),
            whether or not it exists, and is form of Major.Minor. If there is
            an upper bound on the supported versions, and the upper bound is
            greater than or equal to the current version, then depend on
            python (<< $stop_version)

         b.   If the current version is higher than any supported version,
            then this package is obsolete. However, the following
            dependencies are still valid, if the corresponding lower and
            upper bounds of supported versions exist.   python (>=
            $min_version) | python$min_version, python (<< $stop_version)

    2.   In case of pure Python modules in versioned public module
       directories, the set of versions corresponding to the list of
       versioned public module directories in which pure Python modules live
       is used in lieu of the value of XS-Python-Version.

         a.   If the lowest version in the set is less than or equal to the
            current version, then depend on   python (>= $min_version)

         b.   Or else depend on   python (>= $min_version) |

         c.   If the highest version in the set is greater than or equal to
            the current version, then depend on   python (<< $stop_version)
            where the stop version is the next minor version greater than the
            highest supported version.

         d.   For every version in the set, also depend on   python$version


  5.5. Public Extension

     Public extensions should be packaged with a name of python-foo, where
   foo is the name of the module. Such a package should support the current
   Debian Python version, and more if possible.

     Depending on the packaging utility used, the modules live in either
   /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages or in
   /usr/lib/python-support/$package/pythonX.Y, with proper symbolic links in


    5.5.1. Supported versions

     The versions supported by the source and binary packages should be set
   to the list of versions for which the compiled extension modules are


    5.5.2. Provides

     For every version of Python for which compiled extension modules are
   provided, provide a package named pythonX.Y-foo (assuming that the package
   name is python-foo).


6. Changing the default Python version

     Some packages may need more changes during an update of the default
   python version (i.e. setting an alternative, restarting a daemon). These
   packages can either provide their own upgrade scripts (run during the
   update of the default python version), or continue to use the old
   dependency on exactly the current python version to ensure that the
   package is updated together with the default python version and use the
   normal installation/removal scripts. The utility packages python-central
   and python-support provide upgrade scripts in order to facilitate their
   byte compilation work. [60][15]


  6.1. Python rtupdate scripts

     When the default python version is changed, the maintainer scripts of
   the python package arrange for the execution of package provided scripts.
   These scripts are placed in /usr/share/python/runtime.d/, must have an
   .rtupdate extension and must be executable. These scripts must be
   idempotent; since any script may be called multiple times during a Python
   version change with the same arguments.

     These scripts must be rigorously tested, since any failure in the
   scripts would make the new Python package changing the default version to
   fail to install.

     Each script is called with one of pre-rtupdate, rtupdate or
   post-rtupdate as the first parameter. If nothing needs to be done the
   invocation should be ignored by the script.


    6.1.1. rtupdate script invocation

    1.   in the pre-installation phase of the python package, the package
       supplied scripts are called with the parameter: pre-rtupdate <old
       runtime> <new runtime>

         A failure in any script results in the failure of the
       pre-installation script of the python package.

       [61]Note   Whether or not all scripts are run, or the process aborts
                at the first failure, is still under flux

       At this point, the failed-pre-rtupdate hook is run, to allow the
       package to go to a sane state again. Otherwise, such a failure of a
       pre-rtupdate script would leave all packages whose pre-rtupdate has
       been run in a dangling state, making a bug in a pre-rtupdate a
       critical bug. Still, be very very careful when working on a
       pre-rtupdate script.

    2.   During the post installation phase of the python package, the
       package supplied scripts are called with the parameter: rtupdate <old
       runtime> <new runtime>

         This is the hook used by python-central and python-support to byte
       compile pure Python modules; and packages handling their own byte
       compilation should use this hook as well. However, at this phase of
       the installation process, the state of the default Python package is
       in flux, so complex operations involving the default version are best

         A failure in any script results in the failure of the
       post-installation script of the python package, and may leave other
       Python packages in an non-working state (since the modules may not be
       compiled with the default version). A failure in this script is also a
       critical bug.

    3.   During the post installation phase of the python package, the
       package supplied scripts are called with the parameter: post-rtupdate
       <old runtime> <new runtime>

         A failure in any script results in the failure of the
       post-installation script of the python package. Such a failure only
       affects the package which owns the script, and does not impact the
       other related packages, so a problem in the post-rtupdate script is
       less critical, and would only have the severity grave or serious.


   [62][1]    The older policy required an extra upload of every package
            containing an extension, adding new dependencies on new shared
            libraries in unstable, but not yet in testing. It also tended to
            require all packages that required a version of python strictly
            less than a specific version to move into testing at the same
            time, creating long periods where packages were blocked.
   [63][2]    The two cases where this happens is

              *   Public extension modules, where extensions compiled for
                multiple versions of Python are shipped in the same package,

              *   Pure modules where different versions of the upstream
                package are shipped and are directly installed into
   [64][3]    Usually, the default Debian Python version is the latest stable
            upstream release that can be integrated in the distribution.
   [65][4]    python-central also uses XB-Python-Version field in the control
            file, which is substituted in the binary package using the values
            from the XS-Python-Version field, filtered according to various
   [66][5]    For compatibility, each of the tools (python-central and
            python-support) are able to use each others data.
   [67][6]    Note that pycentral uses the special string "current" here.
   [68][7]    For pycentral, one may specify something like "current, >= 2.4"
            or even "current, >= 2.2, << 2.5". Packages with private
            extention modules also can use the value "current_ext", which
            will will expand to "current", if the package does not have any
            extensions and can be used with another python default version
            without a new upload. It's replaced by the version number of the
            current default version in the Python:Versions substitution
   [69][8]    Public extensions are restricted to the list of Python versions
            for which the extensions have been compiled, and thus are covered
            in the section below.
   [70][9]    If the package uses python-central, and if there is no other
            value for the versions (set by any modules packaged), then the
            versions supported by the binary package (XB-Python-Version) is
            the same as above (XS-Python-Version, if XS-Python-Version is not
            empty, or "all", if it is empty).
   [71][10]   If using python-central, use the special string "current"
            instead of "all".
   [72][11]   If using python-central, use the special string "current"
            instead of "all". Note that if the package contains private
            extension modules, then the rules for setting XB-Python-Version
            for the private extension modules take precedence.
   [73][12]   python-central differs here. If the current version is
            supported, then XB-Python-Version should be set to "current".

              If the current version is not supported, and if the minimum
            version supported is strictly higher than the current version,
            the XB-Python-Version field should be set to the minimum version

              Failing that, if the current version is not supported, and the
            max version is lower than the current version, then this package
            should be deprecated, and is obsolete.
   [74][13]   If using python-central, use the special string "current"
            instead of "all".
   [75][14]   This might require the maintainer to take extraordinary measuer
            if upstream drops support for version of python that Debian
            ships, or starts using features found in new versions of Python
            alone. In order to support partial upgrades from oldStable to
            Stable, or from Stable to testing, the version of Python that was
            the default in the older release must still be supported -- even
            if it requires shipping the real code in private modules, and
            conditionally importing old or new variants based on the version
            of Python.
   [76][15]   This section is based on [77]basic rtupdate documentation


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  33. file:///tmp/html-i20017#AEN693
  34. file:///tmp/html-i20017#AEN704
  35. http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/
  36. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy
  37. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPythonFAQ
  38. file:///tmp/html-i20017#mod001
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  47. file:///tmp/html-i20017#FTN.AEN343
  48. http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy
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  74. file:///tmp/html-i20017#AEN595
  75. file:///tmp/html-i20017#AEN608
  76. file:///tmp/html-i20017#AEN690
  77. http://people.debian.org/~doko/tmp/python-rtupdate.txt
A diplomat is man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never
her age. Robert Frost
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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