On Tuesday 12 September 2006 14:07, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Le mardi 12 septembre 2006 à 07:23 -0600, Joseph Smidt a écrit :
> > At the risk of repeating myself, Desktop Users: For most non-server
> > minded people who still want a stable OS, Debian takes too long to
> > release.  On top of that,many of them want a "As easy aw Windows"
> > distro. I don't know that Debian will provide that as well as Ubuntu,
> > unless we want to alter many aspects of the project, like how often we
> > release.
> Oh well. I wonder how Microsoft could manage to provide "as easy as
> Windows" OSes given the length of their release cycle.

The answer is they don't.  Techworld ran a story almost a month ago now:  
Microsoft is leaving the OS business after Vista is released to focus on 
services, virtualization and other products.  You can already start to see 
the change being made:  Windows Live OneCare is replacing Windows on WalMart 
shelves, for example.

Paul Johnson
Email and IM (XMPP & Google Talk): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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