On Tue, Oct 17, 2006 at 09:01:16PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> We who used MS-DOS in 1985 were not appreciably smarter than people
> are now, yet we figured out DIR & COPY & DEL & CD.  A HELP command
> and a set of DOS-friendly aliases (and/or scripts) would/should be
> adequate.
Yes, but much of today's generation created a conception of using
computers based on the movie "Hackers" (and no, I am not kidding).  The
concept of using a command line to "gasp" type in commands is intensely
frightening to people.  Of course, I personally find it humorous since
people are condescending about Linux not being ready for the desktop or
the enterprise and then don't bat an eyelash when the instructions to
something start: "click Start->Run and type regedit".

I agree that a help command and a set of DOS-friendly aliases *should*
be enough, but since MS neutered the command.com interface a long time
ago to the point where it ceased to be useful, I don't see how having
such things would be helpful to any but a diminishingly small minority
of users.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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