The point is apt-get let me installed it with a warning, but doesn't
want to let me install anything else without removing the conflicting
package it accepted to install.

> > E.g.:  With no httpd installed, install the apache package, 
> apache will
> > listen on; now install the thttpd package, it'll 
> work fine,
> > but no thttpd daemon will run afterwards, because it fails 
> to bind to
> >, see syslog; reboot the machine, and you'll be 
> surprised to
> > see the thttpd daemon run, and not apache, because thttpd 
> gets started
> > first.
> So?  It's up to the adminstrator to configure the packages after
> installation.
> The default of may work as expected in some cases, but the
> package maintainer cannot guarantee this.  And that has nothing to do
> with other installed packages.  The maintainer just can't know what
> the administrator expects.
> Yes, this does go for the ftpds too.  I don't see any reason why
> you'd want more than one, but I don't really see any reason to impose
> the restriction either.  If the ftpds can be configured to listen to
> anything else than, then the administrator should be
> allowed to install more than one of them.
> A warning about the need for manual configuration in the case of a
> port/address conflict is probably a good idea, though.
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