On Fri, 8 Dec 2006 19:15:20 -0200 Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

> A few doubts about this:
> tp-smapi is either patch-only, or 2.6.19-only.  How are you packaging
> it? It cannot be just built out-of-tree in 2.6.18, it will not always
> work as it needs to extend the DMI handling code.

It is packaged as an out-of-tree module and it worked for me since
2.6.17, but I only can test on a Z61m. I think you're right because you
know much more TP models (and their DMI stuff), then me.

> Also, please make it extremely clear in the package descriptions that
> the tp-smapi HDAPS is the one people should use (instead of stock
> HDAPS).  Stock HDAPS is buggy and broken.

At the moment, hdaps isn't built. I think I'll enable the build and
ship a big warning in the package description, as you said.

> Anyway, the reason why I never packaged it is that to get a proper
> thinkpad kernel, you need a small stack of patches that are still in
> flux and I didn't feel it was a good idea to package yet:

My Thinkpad runs a vanilla 2.6.19 kernel without problems, and I can
use tp_smapi to controll the battery and monitor the system.

[ points why tp-smapi doesn't really make sense on "older" kernels ]

> For 2.6.19, you can actually have tp-smapi work reliably as an
> out-of-tree build, so packaging it starts making more sense.

I think it would be better to plan the tp-smapi package for Etch+1, so
there will be kernel >2.6.19 and stuff you're working on in ibm-acpi.
(And as it still builds on Etch with a recent kernel, an advanced user
can use it).
By the way, do you know anything about the "legality" of tp_smapi (I
think you had read the discussion between Shem, Linus and Andrew on
hdaps-devel)? Or should I ask debian-devel about their opinion?

Evgeni, beginning to write a huge readme.debian :)

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