(Added the MIA team to `Cc' to manage Ryuichi's packages)

On January 11, 2007 at 10:26PM +0900,
tats (at debian.org) wrote:

> On December 20, 2006 at 8:36PM -0600,
> gwolf (at gwolf.org) wrote:
> > I just prepared a NMU for toolbar-fancy [1], a package maintained by
> > Ryuichi Arafune. Now, I usually check the QA page for maintainers for
> > which I do NMUs. Now, Ryuichi's QA page [2] shows he has been quite
> > inactive in the project - His latest upload AFAICT was in 2006-03-30
> > for imagemagick [3]. This package is quite popular (popcon 9174), and
> > has seen 13 NMUs since.
> >
> > It seems Ryuichi is MIA. Possibly this is not the best way to check
> > for activity or to ask QA to take over his packages (QA, is
> > it?). Anyway, Ryuichi: Are you reading this? What's your status
> > regarding Debian? Do you plan to go back to activity, or should your
> > packages be taken over by someone else?
> >
> > Thank you very much,
> >
> > [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?archive=no&bug=403935
> >
> > [2] http://qa.debian.org/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ryuichi, may I take over the lookup-el package?
> If you agree or don't reply, I'll take over the lookup-el package.

Ryuichi didn't reply to gwolf's mail within four weeks, so I don't
doubt that he is MIA.

I'll take over the lookup-el package soon.  Also, I have an intent
to take over the eblook package which is used by the lookup-el package.

Tatsuya Kinoshita

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