Le lundi 22 janvier 2007 à 16:44 +0100, cobaco (aka Bart Cornelis) a
écrit :
> Those capplets were wanted enough to have been made, so obviously they 
> scratch someones itch. Or in other words they're usefull to someone even if 
> they're not usefull to you personally.

Oh, really?

Do you often need to call gstreamer-properties? This is the perfect
example of a useless feature. There should be good autodetection of the
default audio and video output, and in fact it is already here. Anything
else should be exceptional, and if the capplet should probably remain
available from the command line, it shouldn't remain in the menu.

Do you really think nautilus-file-management-properties is needed in the
menu? These are settings specific to nautilus navigation, and they are
available from every open nautilus window. Surely you'd expect nautilus
settings to be available from the panel and not in nautilus...

> The above paragraph only succeeds in reinforcing my believe that the gnome 
> usability engineers cut and ran instead of adressing the actual scaling 
> problem. And the above seems to indicate gnome's all set on doing it all 
> over again. I'm gonna guess that was not the picture you were trying to 
> give?

Take the pictures you want. I'm not a photographer.

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