On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 01:14:01PM -0400, Lennart Sorensen wrote:
> On Tue, May 15, 2007 at 12:20:22PM -0400, Roberto C. S?nchez wrote:
> > Yes, but in reality what is the likelihood that either a security update
> > or NMU would introduce an incompatible change?  I would say that such a
> > possibility is extremely low.
> Why couldn't a security change require making incompatible changes to
> something?  A bin NMU would hopefully never change any such thing
> though.
I am not saying that such a thing couldn't happen, simply that a
security update is much less likely to cause it.

> > Perhaps the policy should change so that security uploads are done with
> > x.y.z-(w++)~lenny1?  That is, the Debian version number gets
> > incremented.
> But isn't the idea that the version in test/unstable should _always_ be
> higher than the version in stable including security versions?  That
> makes incrementing 'w' not an option.
Well, the ~ character is stated to be evaluated to be less than the
empty string.  If a package is the target of a security upload in
stable, you can be certain that the testing/unstable version will also
increase when the new package is introduced to fix the problem there as



Roberto C. Sánchez

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