On Sat, Jun 09, 2007 at 06:21:11PM -0500, Steve Greenland wrote:
> On 09-Jun-07, 17:41 (CDT), Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> > * Package name    : linky
> >   Version         : 2.7.1
> >   Upstream Author : Henrik Gemal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > * URL             : http://gemal.dk/mozilla/linky.html
> > * License         : MPL-1.1
> >   Description     : an Iceweasel extension to handle web and image links
> Aren't iceweasel extension packages supposed to be named
> 'iceweasel-foo'? (No idea if there's actual policy, just looking at the
> existing packages)
> Thus "Package name : iceweasel-linky"
I was thinking something similar.  I am sponsoring Arnaud Renevier for
his noscript package.  Initially, he called it just noscript.  It was
rejected by the ftp-masters as too generic.  Arnaud renamed it to
mozilla-noscript and that was accepted.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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