El mar, 12-06-2007 a las 18:26 +1000, Russell Coker
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> > On Tuesday 12 June 2007 09:21, Marcus Better <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > José L. Redrejo wrote:
> > > > The activities make children practice on clicking, double-clicking, drag
> > > > and drop, moving and identify the mouse buttons.
> > >
> > > Since children probably learn this by age five or so with or without help,
> > > perhaps the author should focus on making a similar tool for adults
> > > instead. :-)
> > 
> > The GIMP is a good tool for teaching young children about these things.  
> > The 
> > color selection part of the toolbar allows dragging the color to the 
> > desktop 
> > background or the title-bar and using the brush for painting teaches mouse 
> > control.
> > 

It's a joke, isn't it?
I've been using pysycache for the last year (with previous versions)
with 3 and 4 years old kids, and they learn how to use the right & left
button, or doing drag&drop enjoying, learning how to identify the
numbers even in foreign languages. I've installed it in primary schools,
and it's just a desktop icon for the teacher/student to launch it. Do
you imagine using gimp to do such thing in a classroom with 25 children?

Everything has a target, and when the child finish the activity and a
girl drawing appears saying "You've got it" , he raises his hands
happily. I don't think that's gimp's target.

José L.

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