On Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 08:40:21AM +0900, Junichi Uekawa wrote:

> I don't really know of any, so if anyone is actually doing it already,
> I'd like to know.
> I know of few existing cases that have similar effect:
> [package->web]
> 1. /usr/share/doc/XXX/*.html included in packages end up on web
>    servers (people can google around and arrive at them).
> [web->package]
> 2. upstream FAQ page is updated through 'wget' into the package source
>    from time-to-time.
> My personal impression is that although we have this system of
> maintaining 'README.Debian', it's often outdated on most packages.  It
> might help if users have direct (although maintainers should really
> check the contents) influence on its contents.

I see the thread a bit late, but I have to say that I like the idea.  In
debtags, I have various bits of information that I wish they were
maintained in the Debian wiki, such as the FAQ and other pieces of

I think more packages, and the wiki itself, could benefit if this
procedure could become a bit more standardised.

Indeed something like a push/pull from the wiki into the VCS could do
the job; is there really no utility to replay changes from Moin's
history to a VCS, and changes from a VCS history into moin?



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