apache: 43910 45977 70982 75460 83540 83602 92052 99401 106493 117921 126110 
134702 135717 140565 142947 147596 156972 157734 164620 167513 185668 191237 
192604 199685 204508 212330 215741 233538 242543 246460 248136 252627 262359 
264899 269019 270252 270418 271302 272069 274704 280206 281387 281749 282306 
282659 282704 282875 283217 283892 284215 285363 285467 285599 286559 286740 
287012 288424 290796 291312 293260 294810 298800 298836 300319 302522 304785 
305495 307798 308426 308483 308484 309693 314485 325779 326822 326911 327235 
327412 327869 328919 334213 337748 339449 341530 341700 343353 347626 349441 
351654 351841 364928 366945 368315 372723 373803 377970 380653 381095 385083 
385656 386669 386670 388444 390848 402569 416276 419526 423002
43910: wishlist: apache: mod_usertrack enhancement [patch]
45977: wishlist: FollowSymlinks lets users bypass <Directory> access controls
70982: normal: apache: apache calls suexec in "user" mode, even when userdir is 
75460: wishlist: apache should extract the meta http-equiv
83540: normal: Apache config problem not reported by apachectl 
83602: wishlist: suexec+/cgi-bin/=fault
92052: wishlist: does not pass authorization information to cgi programs
99401: minor: Apache should detect if port 80 is already in use
106493: wishlist: apache: Please provide also translated index.html Package: 
apache Version: 1.3.9-13.2
117921: normal: apache: apachectl configtest gives false OK when logging 
directory path is missing ont he filesystem.
126110: wishlist: apache: <IfEnv exp>
134702: wishlist: apache: relative files to current directory for .htaccess
135717: wishlist: apache: "Include directory" directive should support 
exclusion of certain file patterns
140565: normal: apache: Apache caching confused by 304 from IIS 5.0
142947: wishlist: Drop create arguments from /etc/logrotate.d/apache
147596: wishlist: apache: IPv6 support for apache
156972: wishlist: LFS: >>4GB filesize problems
157734: wishlist: request to support a wee bit of guesswork in content 
164620: normal: Wrong Content-Encoding for *.gz.* and *.bz2.* filenames
167513: wishlist: New Policy for "cgi-bin" and "cgi-lib"
185668: normal: apache: mod_mime sends unrequested encodings
191237: wishlist: Default apache logfiles: world readable yes/no?
192604: normal: apachectl configtest does not recognize missing paths
199685: normal: mod_autoindex: fooling autoindex.o with slashes
204508: wishlist: apache: mod_rewrite can't rewrite to filenames containing a 
212330: wishlist: Feature question: port number in case of self refeering
215741: wishlist: A meaningful log message when a CGI script is killed due to 
RLimit* settings
233538: wishlist: apache: dotfiles not skipped, scanning /etc/apache/conf.d
242543: normal: apache: PATH_INFO not set for <!--#include 
virtual="page.html/path?query" -->
246460: wishlist: apache is not detaching from the terminal which made it 
start, its parent
248136: minor: woody to sid upgrade pretend I have modified 
252627: wishlist: apache: environment cleaning not useful
262359: wishlist: apache: ChrootDir feature patch would be nice
264899: wishlist: Does not send content length on file >4GB
269019: wishlist: Please package mod_bandwidth 2.0.5
270252: wishlist: suexec could honour apache's DocumentRoot
270418: wishlist: apache: Apache initscript ignores system locale
271302: normal: init.d script should not kill other unrelated apache processes
272069: wishlist: apache: fix for #269009 raised a new problem
274704: normal: FTBFS on GNU/Hurd
280206: important: apache: Apache wont start, FD_SETSIZE set too low in 
281387: normal: ucf: too many arguments
281749: normal: apache: postinst breaks on Includes pointing to a directory
282306: normal: apache.postinst doesn't handle include for directories
282659: normal: Apache fails to spawn child cgi process
282704: normal: apache 1.3.26-0woody6 childprocess segfaults when accessing 
authenticated pages
282875: normal: apache: Adds /doc/ alias to httpd.conf even though it is in 
283217: normal: apache stops logging after receiving a "SEARCH" http request
283892: minor: apache: confusing configuration option
284215: normal: apache: inconsistently segfaults on upgrade; strange 
nonreproducible behavior
285363: normal: apache: AddDefaultCharset might not work
285467: minor: apache: mod_dir/mod_autoindex don't output w3c compliant pages 
285599: normal: Status of CAN-2003-0987 in Woody?
286559: wishlist: apache: Possibility to backport XHTML output for 
mod_autoindex from apache2?
286740: minor: apache: log directory should have same permissions as logfiles 
(possible information disclosure)
287012: wishlist: apache: Should warn on nonsensical configuration
288424: normal: Authentikation dosn't work anymore.
290796: minor: apache: Add W3C HTML 4.01 VALID logo to placeholder page
291312: wishlist: apache 1.3.33-2 i386 2GB file size limit
293260: normal: /etc/init.d/apache script ignores $CONF
294810: normal: Apache will not start unless Apache-ssl is started first
298800: minor: attempt to kill apache in shutdown unnecessary
298836: minor: apachectl: remaining temporary directories with long status page
300319: important: apache: Apache segfaults with more than 10 ErrorLog files in 
virtual hosts
302522: normal: apache: some directories are world writeable after install
304785: wishlist: Include /etc/apache/conf.d/*.conf
305495: minor: apache: AddDefaultCharset breaks the non-latin1 pages
307798: minor: apache: Name clash for /icons/ and /images/
308426: normal: apache
308483: wishlist: apache-modconf: use conf.d style directory instead of 
autogenerated file
308484: normal: apache-modconf should not need to overwrite config files when 
309693: important: /etc/init.d/apache should honor the VERBOSE variable
314485: normal: apache: CGI execution inconsistent and errors uninformative
325779: normal: apache: mod-bandwidth max 900 kb/s
326822: normal: apache corrupts Content-Encoding header for Release.gpg
326911: minor: apache: Placeholder page includes dead link to Johnie Ingram's 
327235: normal: Client hangs when connecting to Apache server
327412: important: Kill -HUP kill's apache instead of HUP-ing it
327869: normal: apache install/upgrade kills any running apache
328919: normal: apache: mod_usertrack generates non-random cookies
334213: minor: apache: asks debconf questions at setup time
337748: normal: mod_mime_magic: can't read magic file 
339449: normal: apache  vhost-problem on sempron
341530: normal: The apache logrotate config causes excessive reloads of apache
341700: normal: Options ExecCGI is off in this directory
343353: normal: Apache 1.3.x envvars support on startup
347626: normal: apache: Sends '405 Method Not Allowed' AND 'Allow: POST' when 
using POST
349441: normal: apache logrotate fails with libapache-mod-chroot installed
351654: important: apache: pid 22011 mod_whatkilledus sig 11 crash, child pid 
22011 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
351841: wishlist: apache: conf not purged?
364928: wishlist: apache: Action of restart is always surprising
366945: normal: "ErrorDocument 400" not working
368315: normal: apache: [notice] child pid xxxxx exit signal Segmentation fault 
372723: normal: Get a PHP Warning when starting apache
373803: normal: apache: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the 
mod_imap -- patched in upstream 1.3.35
377970: minor: apache: Your debconf templates do not follow the 
380653: normal: apache: can't open php files
381095: normal: apache: considers local configuration file as its own
385083: wishlist: apache: Large files support in default installation doesn't 
385656: normal: apache: mod_cgi does not play well with Posix ACLs
386669: normal: confusing use of ucf
386670: normal: leaves configuration files after purge
388444: normal: apache: MUST NOT send data in an 304 reply
390848: minor: apache: expire returns doubled headers
402569: wishlist: apache: BRF files support
416276: wishlist: Privilege Separation for WebDAV
419526: wishlist: [INTL:ml] Updated Malayalam debconf template translation of 
423002: normal: apache: The RLimitCPU directive doesn't act
apache-common: 69818 152564 161627 218671 239364 270922 282042 284115 287018 
295591 304191 319397 327193 329001 335025 346439 359217 366559 404267 409717
69818: wishlist: apache: suexec not suitable for virtual host setup.
152564: wishlist: apache-common's suexec should use "/" for DOC_ROOT
161627: wishlist: Nice security feature for suexec with php-cgi
218671: minor: apache-common: mod_bandwidth BandWidth number off by a factor of 
239364: wishlist: apache: Suexec incompatible with php4-cgi
270922: normal: php4: postinst corrupts apache config file
282042: wishlist: apache-common/logs incorrectly complains about logging to 
284115: normal: mod_bandwidth breaks resumes/concurrent downloads
287018: normal: apache-common: saying "/var/lib/apache/mod-bandwidth/ is world 
writable" doesn't fix it
295591: normal: apache-common: postinst is extremely picky about 
304191: wishlist: apache-common: apache-modconf with higher Debconf priority if 
no arguments
319397: normal: httpd.conf: Files default directive should deny more odd 
327193: minor: mod_autoindex overrides the viewer's browser default colors
329001: normal: apache-common, addgroup: The GID 33 is already in use.
335025: normal: apache-common: apache-modconf is silent on non-existing module
346439: normal: apache-common needlessly depends on web-browser
359217: normal: exit statement and test logic in init.d/apache2
366559: minor: apache-common: apache-shared/restart template misleading after 
mod install
404267: important: apache-common: mod_proxy segfaults (NULL deref.) when FTP 
server sends back no spaces
409717: normal: mod_mime_magic: can't read magic file 
apache-dev: 228077 421149 422508 422686
228077: minor: apache-dev: apxs doesn't work well with modules-config
421149: important: Causes FTBFS with GCC 4.3: the meaning of "inline" changed 
in C99
422508: wishlist: apache-dev: please switch to libdb4.5
422686: wishlist: apache-dev: please bump build-deps to libdb4.5
apache-doc: 275643
275643: minor: IndexOptions DescriptionWidth refers to filenames, not 
apache-perl: 292377 314168
292377: normal: apache-perl: umask again
314168: normal: apache-perl: Dot at end of filename not treated as significant
apache-ssl: 137468 189205 269079 269499 270459 279690 288627 292122 301546 
306101 315957 317003 323968 326694 327889 353149 383928 426042
137468: wishlist: apache-ssl: Move certificate to /etc/ssl/certs
189205: wishlist: apache-ssl: ipv6 build of Apache-SSL
269079: normal: Apache-SSL ignores the +ExecCGI option.
269499: important: apache-ssl: SSL log directives don't work?
270459: minor: Apache-ssl & inetd
279690: important: apache-ssl: Segmentation fault when accessing any pages
288627: minor: apache-ssl, logrotate.d file errors when reloads if apache is 
not running
292122: important: /etc/apache-ssl/httpd.conf is modified without questions on 
301546: normal: apache-ssl reload problems
306101: important: apache-ssl: gcache mysteriously gets EOF on 
/var/run/gcache_port and dies
315957: important: apache-ssl.postinst: line 453: /bin/cp: Argument list too 
317003: important: libapache-mod-gzip, libapache-mod-dav and apache-ssl fail to 
323968: important: ap_http_method never returns https
326694: normal: apache-ssl won't run .php files
327889: minor: apache-ssl: start page say configuration is /etc/apache
353149: important: apache-ssl: Installation fails generating certificate
383928: normal: apache-ssl 1.3.34-4 silently changes Port in httpd.conf
426042: minor: apache-ssl doesn't include /usr/share/images/ directory
libapache-mod-perl: 242499 267969 328058 329045 342182 380296 380298 380299 
380302 416611
242499: normal: libapache-mod-perl and request-tracker3 randomly sends html to 
error log instead of browser
267969: normal: libapache-mod-perl: fails to load Apache::DBI
328058: important: Error: does not have a corresponding .info file.
329045: normal: libapache-mod-perl: Apache segfaults when mod_perl is loaded
342182: important: libapache-mod-perl: Apache segfaults when mod_perl is loaded
380296: normal: libapache-mod-perl: Apache::Util functions are unavailable 
outside of requests
380298: normal: libapache-mod-perl: unescape_url() croaks on constant value
380299: normal: libapache-mod-perl: unescape_url_info('') returns undef
380302: normal: libapache-mod-perl: args() can return an odd number of elements
416611: important: libapache-mod-perl: Possible DoS problem with PerlRun 

Martin Michlmayr

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