Brian May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> "John" == John Goerzen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     John> The software uses CDK (ncurses) to handle the user
>     John> interface, libxml2 to store the information, the zlib
>     John> library to compress the data and the library GpgMe to
>     John> encrypt and decrypt the data securely.

> The description seems pretty good. My initial tests seem to suggest it
> requires an old version of libcdk that is no longer available in
> Debian though:

...was never in Debian, iirc - it requires an older version of the flavor
which I maintain.  I'm told that the main issue is that it wants to be
able to have zero-length lists.  I looked into this a few months ago,
and found that debugging cpm is going to be work (it doesn't seem to
have a mode where I can run it without privileges, trace the result, etc).

When I find time to resolve those issues, I'll put out a new version of cdk...

Thomas E. Dickey

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