On 8/12/07, Neil Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Aug 2007 14:45:42 +0000 (UTC)
> William Pitcock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Neil Williams <codehelp <at> debian.org> writes:
> >
> > > If those figures are correct, it looks like GTK1 will be with us for
> > > quite some time yet.
> >
> > Don't give up hope quite yet.
> To save repeating the list in email:
> http://wiki.debian.org/Gtk1WorkSheet
> > > After a little more trimming of libraries, packages that are just
> > > dependencies of other packages in the list, I get 192 unorphaned
> > > gdancer
> 191
> > > gentoo
> 190
> > > imms
> 189
> > > karamba
> 188
> > This is a Qt app, and it has been mostly replaced with SuperKaramba
> > AFAIK.
> > > mplayer-586
> 187
> > > psemu-input-padjoy
> > > psemu-sound-oss
> > > psemu-video-x11
> 184
> > > pterm
> > > putty
> 183
> > > quicklist
> 182
> > > sylpheed-claws
> > > sylpheed-claws-clamav
> > > sylpheed-claws-dillo-viewer
> > > sylpheed-claws-ghostscript-viewer
> > > sylpheed-claws-image-viewer
> > > sylpheed-claws-maildir-plugin
> > > sylpheed-claws-pgpinline-plugin
> > > sylpheed-claws-spamassassin
> > > sylpheed-claws-trayicon
> > > sylpheed-gtk1
> 172
> > > wmbubble
> > > wmcliphist
> > > wmclockmon
> > > wmfishtime
> > > wmmaiload
> > > wmressel
> 166
> > > xbindkeys-config
> > > xdialog
> 164
> > There's at least 29 (I may have counted wrong) packages that can be
> > resolved in the near future anyway.
> So out of an initial view of 340, we have ruled out just over 50%.
> The remainder may well be using customised Gtk widgets and gnome1
> libraries which are significantly more work.
> There are probably some more that have simple replacements that have
> already been ported or were written for gtk2 from the start.
> Anyone interested, feel free to update the page with alternatives,
> replacements, missing packages, remove unnecessary listings . . .
> Alternatives are available for (nearly) all these - I've been running
> without gtk1 for some months and haven't missed it yet - but as the
> XMMS thread has shown, alternatives is a thorny issue.
> ;-)
> --
> Neil Williams
> =============
> http://www.data-freedom.org/
> http://www.nosoftwarepatents.com/
> http://www.linux.codehelp.co.uk/

I knew that my list was incomplete, so if you want to regenerate the
page, use following perl script:


use strict;
use warnings;
use Parse::DebControl;
use File::Slurp;
my $pkgs = read_file( $ARGV[0] );
$pkgs =~ s/\n/ /g;
my $parser = new Parse::DebControl;
my $control_data = `apt-cache show $pkgs`;
my $data = $parser->parse_mem($control_data);

foreach my $pkg ( @{$data} ) {
        my $description = $pkg->{'Description'};
        $description =~ s/^(.*?)\.?\n//;
        $pkg->{'Short'} = $1;
        if( $description =~ s/^\s*Home\ ?Page\:\s*\<?(.*?)\>?$//mi ) {
                $pkg->{'HomePage'} = $1;
        chomp $description;
        $description =~ s/^\s*\*\s*/ * /gm;
        $description =~ s/^/ /gm;
        $pkg->{'Description'} = $description;

my %resvar;
foreach my $pkg ( @{$data} ) {
        my $result;

        $result = "== $pkg->{Package} ==\n''$pkg->{Short}''\n Version::

        if( $pkg->{"Source"}) {
                my $source = $pkg->{Source};
                $source =~ s/\s\(.*\)//g;
                $result .= " Debian Page:: 

        if( $pkg->{"HomePage"}) {
                $result .= " Upstream Page:: $pkg->{HomePage}\n";

        $result .= " Priority:: $pkg->{Priority}\n Section:: $pkg->{Section}\n";

        if( $pkg->{"Provides"}) {
                $result .= " Provides:: $pkg->{Provides}\n";

        $result .= " Description:: $pkg->{Description}\n\n";
        print $result;

        $resvar{$pkg->{Package}} = $result;

foreach my $pkg ( keys %resvar ) {
                print $resvar{$pkg};

/Carl Fürstenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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