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> looks pretty cool, but someone should talk to them about this:
> "The effect of this is that distribution-provided packages are often
> more reliable than upstream ones (since upstream don't get to hear about
> many of the bugs), and different distributions have fixed different
> bugs, with no coordination between them. With Zero Install, bugs get
> fixed upstream. So, the 'Debian developer' who currently fixes Gimp bugs
> would still do the same job, but as a 'Gimp developer' instead. Thus,
> the fixes would benefit everyone, not just Debian users."

Yeah, that bit bothered me, too. They also have process problems: some of
their packages don't work any more (skype) due to upstream moving the original
tarball; some of them are buggy due to bashish (odfviewer)...

But the technology's extremely nice, and works beautifully. It would be nice
if there was some way of combining Debian's process and infrastructure with
their package deployment technology... their primary requirement is that the
upstream tarball must be able to be installed and run from any directory, and
as user instead of root. Interestingly, rpms do this, and they can package and
deploy rpms more or less trivially. Can this be done with debs?

- --
┌── dg@cowlark.com ─── http://www.cowlark.com ───────────────────
│ "There does not now, nor will there ever, exist a programming language in
│ which it is the least bit hard to write bad programs." --- Flon's Axiom
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