>  I must have misunderstood, I thought this was what Debian was all
> about.  Here I come in and point out that many users do not have
> everything they need or want, start a project to do something about
> it, and I am met with scorn and "that would be too much extra work
> for us"

Do you actually have a point to make, or is this just generic trolling?
I mean seriously - stop whining.  You are met with scorn not because we
don't care about our users, but because your questions are either naive
or pugilistic.  We don't really have time for either sort - that is
what debian-mentors and slashdot, respectively, are for.

>  I guess this is to be expected, all societies started with lofty
> goals and high ideals eventually fall prey to a similar fate.

What fate?  I guess I haven't noticed that Debian has fallen prey to
any fate other than being extremely popular, with a solid userbase
numbering in the millions (including a lot of very loyal fans), highly
respected everywhere for both our philosophical and technical
standards.  I guess all those loyal users stick around because we don't
care about them?

I think your problem is that you have confused "our priorities are our
users..." with "our priority is everything icelinux believes might help
some subset of our users".  To which I can only say, get over yourself.
Peter Samuelson | org-tld!p12n!peter | http://p12n.org/

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