On Thu, 22 Nov 2007, Frank Küster wrote:
> Don Armstrong <don <at> debian.org> writes:
> > Then why distribute the original PDFs at all in that case?
> Because the purpose of the document is to show the differences
> between several (free as well as non-free) fonts, and help the user
> make a choice.

So then distribute in main the document containing the free fonts, and
in non-free the document containing free and non-free fonts. Users who
wish to only use main aren't going to be interested in the non-free
fonts, and a document comparing them is going to be fairly useless,
whereas a document comparing the free fonts available in main is

> > Just distribute the recreations. You're going to have to
> > distribute them at some point if bugs in the documentation are
> > filed, so you might as well just start distributing them.
> Many packages have enough important bugs, plus a good relation to a
> quickly reacting upstream, that this won't happen.

If this was a case of a quicly reacting upstream, I would have thought
that the tex source for the PDFs would have materialized during the
course of this discussion. [I mean, if the upstream is able to quickly
react, surely they've got them and can give them to someone?]

Don Armstrong

You could say she lived on the edge... Well, maybe not exactly on the edge,
just close enough to watch other people fall off.
  -- hugh macleod http://www.gapingvoid.com/batch8.htm

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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