The following is a listing of packages for which help has been requested
through the WNPP (Work-Needing and Prospective Packages) system in the
last week.

Total number of orphaned packages: 347 (new: 15)
Total number of packages offered up for adoption: 87 (new: 4)
Total number of packages requested help for: 34 (new: 1)

Please refer to for more information.


The following packages have been orphaned:

   freqtweak (#456176), orphaned today
     Description: Realtime audio frequency spectral manipulation
     Installations reported by Popcon: 114

   guml (#455546), orphaned 3 days ago
     Description: A GUI management console for User Mode Linux
     Installations reported by Popcon: 50

   ktrack (#455350), orphaned 4 days ago
     Description: KDE Satellite tracking program
     Installations reported by Popcon: 25

   libapache2-mod-annodex (#455714), orphaned 2 days ago
     Description: Provides server-side support for Annodex media
     Installations reported by Popcon: 17

   libcvs-perl (#455921), orphaned yesterday
     Description: Object oriented Perl interface to the CVS command
     Installations reported by Popcon: 57

   mp3roaster (#455918), orphaned yesterday
     Description: A Perl hack for burning audio CDs out of
       MP3/OGG/FLAC/WAV files
     Installations reported by Popcon: 110

   rain (#455002), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: Packet builder for testing IP protocols
     Installations reported by Popcon: 35

   records (#455022), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: Save and index notes in Emacs environment
     Reverse Depends: records-gnuemacs records-xemacs
     Installations reported by Popcon: 118

   scalemail (#455003), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: Scalable virtual mail domain system built on Postfix
       and LDAP
     Installations reported by Popcon: 7

   syslog-summary (#455005), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: Summarize the contents of a syslog log file
     Installations reported by Popcon: 788

   toursst (#455004), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: RSS channel news items where you want them
     Installations reported by Popcon: 31

   webut (#455006), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: Miscellaneous utilities for nevow and twisted.web{,2}
     Reverse Depends: ldaptor-webui
     Installations reported by Popcon: 112

   xml2 (#455008), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: Convert between XML, HTML, CSV and a line-oriented
     Installations reported by Popcon: 355

   xmms-coverviewer (#455575), orphaned 3 days ago
     Description: XMMS plugin that displays covers while playing
     Installations reported by Popcon: 716

   xtermset (#455009), orphaned 5 days ago
     Description: change the characteristics of an xterm
     Installations reported by Popcon: 442

332 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.


The following packages have been given up for adoption:

   freeloader (#454907), offered 5 days ago
     Description: A nice GNOME download manager supporting torrents
     Installations reported by Popcon: 391

   pypy (#455734), offered 2 days ago
     Description: the python in python interpreter, C backend translation
     Reverse Depends: pypy pypy-dev pypy-stackless
     Installations reported by Popcon: 25

   wmmoonclock (#455542), offered 3 days ago
     Description: WindowMaker moon phase dockapp
     Installations reported by Popcon: 379

   wmsun (#455543), offered 3 days ago
     Description: Dockable WindowMaker SunRise/SunSet App
     Installations reported by Popcon: 322

83 older packages have been omitted from this listing, see for a complete list.


For the following packages help is requested:

[NEW] fglrx-driver (#454993), requested 5 days ago (non-free)
     Description: non-free AMD/ATI r5xx, r6xx display driver
     Reverse Depends: fglrx-amdcccle
     Installations reported by Popcon: 2188

   aboot (#315592), requested 903 days ago
     Description: Alpha bootloader: Looking for co-maintainers
     Reverse Depends: aboot aboot-cross dfsbuild ltsp-client-core
     Installations reported by Popcon: 131

   apt-build (#365427), requested 593 days ago
     Description: Need new developer(s)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 934

   ara (#450876), requested 32 days ago
     Description: utility for searching the Debian package database
     Installations reported by Popcon: 116

   athcool (#278442), requested 1143 days ago
     Description: Enable powersaving mode for Athlon/Duron processors
     Installations reported by Popcon: 276

   cdrskin (#450873), requested 32 days ago
     Description: command line CD-R/CD-RW writing tool
     Reverse Depends: k3b
     Installations reported by Popcon: 422

   cvs (#354176), requested 658 days ago
     Description: Concurrent Versions System
     Reverse Depends: bonsai crossvc cvs-autoreleasedeb cvs-buildpackage
       cvs2cl cvs2html cvschangelogbuilder cvsconnect cvsd cvsdelta (14
       more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 21955

   dctrl-tools (#448284), requested 47 days ago
     Description: Command-line tools to process Debian package
     Reverse Depends: debian-goodies dlocate feta hg-buildpackage mlmmj
       sbuild simple-cdd
     Installations reported by Popcon: 5880

   dpkg (#282283), requested 1118 days ago
     Description: dselect: a user tool to manage Debian packages
     Reverse Depends: alien alsa-source apt-build apt-cross apt-src
       backuppc build-essential bzr-builddeb clamsmtp crosshurd (91 more
     Installations reported by Popcon: 69883

   elvis (#432298), requested 157 days ago
     Description: powerful clone of the vi/ex text editor (with X11
     Reverse Depends: elvis elvis-console elvis-tools
     Installations reported by Popcon: 301

   gentoo (#422498), requested 221 days ago
     Description: a fully GUI-configurable, two-pane X file manager
     Installations reported by Popcon: 278

   grub (#248397), requested 1312 days ago
     Description: GRand Unified Bootloader
     Reverse Depends: dfsbuild replicator startupmanager
     Installations reported by Popcon: 64423

   imagemagick (#452314), requested 22 days ago
     Description: Image manipulation programs
     Reverse Depends: advi-examples afterstep album ale alml ascd
       asymptote autotrace bins cimg-dev (84 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 27119

   ispell-et (#391105), requested 435 days ago
     Description: Estonian dictionary for Aspell/Ispell/MySpell
     Installations reported by Popcon: 48

   loop-aes-utils (#385614), requested 469 days ago
     Description: Tools for mounting and manipulating filesystems
     Reverse Depends: loop-aes-modules-2.6.22-3-486
       loop-aes-modules-2.6.22-3-4kc-malta loop-aes-modules-2.6.22-3-686
       loop-aes-modules-2.6.22-3-alpha-smp loop-aes-modules-2.6.22-3-amd64
       loop-aes-modules-2.6.22-3-iop32x (38 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 781

   mol (#436450), requested 128 days ago
     Description: The Mac-on-Linux emulator
     Reverse Depends: mol-drivers-linux mol-drivers-macos
       mol-drivers-macosx mol-modules-source
     Installations reported by Popcon: 59

   mwavem (#313369), requested 913 days ago (non-free)
     Description: Mwave/ACP modem support software
     Installations reported by Popcon: 17

   nas (#354174), requested 658 days ago
     Description: The Network Audio System
     Reverse Depends: acm acm4 alsaplayer-nas amarok apollon
       aqbanking16-qt-wizard ark arson asc audiooss (230 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 50018

   ntp (#373824), requested 546 days ago
     Description: Network Time Protocol: network utilities
     Reverse Depends: radioclk
     Installations reported by Popcon: 23406 (#419523), requested 241 days ago
     Description: Office suite
     Reverse Depends: gnumed-client libuno-cil (71 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 44622

   openscenegraph (#392266), requested 429 days ago
     Description: 3d scenegraph
     Reverse Depends: libopenscenegraph-dev libopenscenegraph6
       libopenthreads-dev libosgal1 openscenegraph osgcal
     Installations reported by Popcon: 173

   openssl (#332498), requested 798 days ago
     Description: Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
       cryptographic tools
     Reverse Depends: afbackup afbackup-client aircrack-ng alpine
       alpine-pico anon-proxy aolserver4-nsimap aolserver4-nsopenssl
       apache2-prefork-dev apache2-threaded-dev (553 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 68326

   poppler (#423334), requested 216 days ago
     Description: PDF rendering library and utilities
     Reverse Depends: abiword-plugins claws-mail-pdf-viewer cupsys evince
       evince-gtk gambas2-gb-pdf gimp kdegraphics-kfile-plugins keyjnote
       libpoppler-dev (16 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 38832

   rt2400 (#411791), requested 296 days ago
     Description: RT2400 wireless network drivers
     Installations reported by Popcon: 150

   rt2570 (#411790), requested 296 days ago
     Description: RT2570 wireless network drivers
     Installations reported by Popcon: 263

   rus-ispell (#391104), requested 435 days ago
     Description: Russian dictionary for Aspell/Ispell/MySpell
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1106

   sgml-data (#358521), requested 631 days ago
     Description: common SGML and XML data
     Reverse Depends: alml debiandoc-sgml debiandoc2dbxml docbook
       docbook-simple docbook-xml epiphany-extensions linuxdoc-tools psgml
       sgmltexi (5 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 46188

   silky (#387472), requested 455 days ago
     Description: SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) GTK+ based
     Installations reported by Popcon: 37

   smlnj (#428273), requested 186 days ago
     Description: Standard ML of New Jersey interactive compiler
     Reverse Depends: libckit-smlnj libcml-smlnj libcmlutil-smlnj
       libexene-smlnj libmlnlffi-smlnj libmlrisctools-smlnj
       libpgraphutil-smlnj libsmlnj-smlnj ml-burg ml-lex (5 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 93

   stlport4.6 (#263052), requested 1228 days ago
     Description: STLport C++ class library
     Reverse Depends: kawari8 libstlport4.6-dev libuno-cil (11 more omitted)
     Installations reported by Popcon: 43778

   svn-buildpackage (#377467), requested 522 days ago
     Description: helper programs to maintain Debian packages with
     Reverse Depends: svn-autoreleasedeb
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1068

   tex4ht (#386269), requested 463 days ago
     Description: LaTeX and TeX for Hypertext
     Reverse Depends: tex4ht texlive-full
     Installations reported by Popcon: 1412

   torrus (#433223), requested 151 days ago
     Description: Universal front-end for Round-Robin Databases
     Reverse Depends: torrus-apache torrus-apache2
     Installations reported by Popcon: 28

   unicorn (#345547), requested 711 days ago (non-free)
     Description: comaintainer with x86 hardware searched.
     Installations reported by Popcon: 52

See for more information.

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