Hi May,

(This should all be prefaced with the statement that i don't have a great deal 
of experience with kernel module packaging, someone from debian-kernel may 
have more insight than me)

First I should say it is very thoughtful of you to contact the debian 
community regarding your drivers, if only more members in the industry would 
do so!

Regarding packaging the kernel module: i suppose the best way to package the 
module for kernel versions before the mainline inclusion of your driver is to 
make a module-assistant-compatible package, which is about the easiest way 
one can install kernel modules in debian systems.

take a look at the documentation for module-assistant, specifically:


(though this assumes a certain level of familiarity with debian packaging).  
and maybe use a couple other module source packages for reference as well.  
more information is also available at:


though this is more user-oriented.

after you have created an initial version of your package, you can always feel 
free to request feedback or review (via debian-devel/debian-kernel, or via 
IRC), and eventually sponsorship of your package for inclusion into debian if 
you feel it's relevant.  typically this last step is done by filing an RFS 
bug against the pseudo package wnpp via reportbug.

if you need help with packaging basics, there's also the debian-mentors list, 
which is also a good place to find a package sponsor.

anyway, hope that information is helpful,


On Monday 28 January 2008 05:59:10 pm May Hwang wrote:
> Dear Debian Developer,
> This is May Hwang, Product Manager from HighPoint Technologies.  HighPoint
> have launched a new series of H/W RAID controllers based on Intel 2nd
> generation PCI-express I/O processor, one main advantage is we are the only
> manufacturer integrate this Intel Fastest SATA I/O processor on HighPoint 4
> and 8 ports controllers compares to others RAID controllers use 1st
> generation PCI-express of I/O Processor.
> These Hardware RAID controllers offer GPL licensed Linux Open Source driver
> and have been accepted into 2.6.25 main kernel tree but since this is not a
> stable kernel version yet so our Debian system integrators still have to go
> through driver compilation in every installation process. Therefore, our
> Debian customers request HighPoint must work with Debian developer to
> include our linux drivers into the latest Debian Distribution. HighPoint is
> always looking ways to provide friendly use experience for customers so we
> will assign a dedicated firmware interface to work with Debian developer on
> this project.
> We are looking forward to provide better support for Debian customers, let
> us know how to move forward?
> Best Regards,
> May Hwang
> HighPoint Technologies,Inc.
> Tel:408-240-6118
> Fax-408-942-5800
>  <http://www.highpoint-tech.com> www.highpoint-tech.com
>  <http://www.hptmac.com> www.hptmac.com
> Distribution Partners: ASI, BellMicro, D&H, Malabs
> "RocketRAID - Terabyte Storage Technologies"

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