On ven, 2008-02-22 at 21:55 +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Feb 2008, Mike Bird wrote:
> > What please is the benefit of unnecessarily reordering dependencies
> > and leaving everyone on tenterhooks as to whether it will change
> > installation outcomes?  (If this has already been explained I apologize
> > for overlooking it.)
> 1/ Sorting makes the output deterministic, and this means that (potential)
> problems are more likely to be reproduced by everybody (whatever the
> architecture, etc.)
> 2/ debdiff uses wdiff to show changes on field values and wdiff gives
> spurious differences if the sole difference between both values is
> a different order. Thus debdiff output is more useful with ordered Depends
> fields.

Both are good arguments for sorting dependencies *inside* a variable,
but not for sorting them as a whole.

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