On 27/02/08 at 16:33 +0100, Ondrej Certik wrote:
> If some projects in the past were a failure, it is solely the problem
> of the management (=student's mentor:), it doesn't matter if the
> student was or wasn't a DD. If the student is working on something
> else (doesn't matter it is also related to Debian), his mentor should
> fail him in the middle summer evaluation.

What if the student worked a bit on his project, but couldn't work a lot
because he was too busy working on a huge transition in Debian, or on
organizing some Debian conference? You realize that such situations
will never be black and white, and that failing a student (who might be
a friend, or at least a fellow DD you had some beers with) is a very
hard decision to take for a mentor?

> That wiki says Debian got over 100 applications
> last year - so I am 100% sure there were many students who would
> gladly work to meet their applications goals if they were given the
> chance.

So there won't be a shortage of candidates, even if we decide to forbid
curent contributors from applying.
| Lucas Nussbaum
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