On Sun, 2008-05-25 at 15:07 +0200, Fernando Cerezal wrote:
> 2008/5/25 Roberto C. Sánchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > On Sun, May 25, 2008 at 02:40:07PM +0200, Fernando Cerezal wrote:
> Yes, you are right. However, currently the translations of the Debian
> website are being done by hand, so there is the same problem and it
> works enough fine. 

What are we talking about here, www.debian.org or apt-cache show?

These are two very different issues.

> Are interpreted as two difference descriptions. 

They would be in gettext - unless marked up in such a way as to not
include the extra spaces.

> <item>A description with lines</item>

Is an extra 13 characters per line, per description, per package.

13 x 10 x 20,000 = bloat.

> <p>The program foo is used for help you in your task<p> <img
> src="http://logo_of_foo.jpg";>

Now that really is out of the question - please remember that the
packages descriptions go into the dpkg database which is already too


Neil Williams

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