On Mon, 2008-06-30 at 07:42 +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Charles Plessy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > >> Maybe "Processing triggers" could be replaced by a 2-3 word summary of
> > >> what the trigger is really doing?
> > 
> > > What about "Processing delayed configuration"?

s/delayed/deferred/ ?

or maybe 'postponed' ?

"To defer is to decide to do something later on: to defer making a
payment. To delay is sometimes equivalent to defer, but usually it is to
act in a dilatory manner and thus lay something aside: to delay one's
departure. To postpone a thing is to put it off to (usually) some
particular time in the future, with the intention of beginning or
resuming it then: to postpone an election."

Of all of those, postponed could be closest: a trigger action is
rescheduled with the definite intention of beginning at that time.

To get across the idea that "the action is postponed in order that
similar actions are run together to reduce overall time":

"Processing groups of actions postponed during the initial setup"


"Processing groups of similar actions postponed during the initial

> I like "Processing delayed configuration". This is probably slightly
> less precise but really clear of what this thing "Joe User will never
> know about" is.

delayed from when? I think it is better to extend the message and be
more verbose. I also think that some indication of *why* things were
delayed would solve the problem.


Neil Williams

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