On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 06:01:30PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 06:05:14PM -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> > > I think the first question to resolve is to establish that it *is*
> > > supported...
> > I think that the prudent thing for Debian to do is to continue to
> > support the older kernel if that is the only way to ensure Xen support
> > for the users.  I personally have a few servers running Xen that run
> > stable.  If the support for Xen in a stable release is not suitable, I
> > would have to consider migrating those servers to some other distro.  I
> > would really hate to have to do that.
> The distro used on dom0 is pretty uninteresting, given that part of the
> point of having Xen-style virtualization for servers is to a) be able to run
> different OSes in different guests, and b) not to run services in dom0.[1]
> If the Debian security team is unwilling or unable to provide support for a
> 2.6.18 kernel over the lifetime of lenny, I'm happy to see us let dom0 be
> Somebody Else's Problem.  I'm certainly happier with that than having us
> /claim/ to support 2.6.18, have users rely on that claim, and then not be
> able to deliver.
While agree that from a technical standpoint, that distro is rather
uninteresting, I don't want to have increase the complexity of the
networks I administer by bringing yet another distro into the mix.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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