On Sun, 2008-08-31 at 13:51 +0200, Cesare Leonardi wrote:
> Cesare Leonardi wrote:
> > In May i've sent the following mail to debian-gtk-gnome to signal this
> > problem but since nothing happened so far, i file a bug:
> > 
> > -------------------------------------------------------------
> > Since some days i've noted (updated Debian Sid) that when i right-click
> > on a usb stick icon and select "Unmount volume", the icon disappear
> > immediately but the unmount progress window doesn't appear and the
> > device is still mounted for some seconds.

Have you disabled dbus notifications? The point at which the icon
disappears is not the point at which the drive is safe to remove. DBus
normally raises a notification window "Data is being written to the
device" followed by "Device is now safe to remove".


Neil Williams

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