On Fri, 12 Sep 2008 14:51:00 +0800, Paul Wise wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 4:00 PM, David Paleino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > some time ago I filed a RFS [1] for DKMS [2], and Daniel Baumann <daniel>
> > asked me what advantages it had over module-assistant.
> > After some talking with upstream, here I have the answer.
> Only down side I worry about is that having such a solution encourages
> out-of-tree drivers.

Not really: DKMS tarballs are meant to be included in-tree, as Mario himself
stated. I'd not say that m-a encourages out-of-tree drivers...

> Personally, I'd prefer if Debian were to adopt some variation of Fedora's
> policy:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/KernelModules

This page says: "Fedora prefers in-tree modules, out-of-tree modules are not
permitted and should be merged instead". We all agree here, no? But, what the
case of non-free drivers, for example?

> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DavidWoodhouse/KmodProposal

The main point:

"There is no justification for shipping kernel modules as separate packages
within Fedora, in either source (dkms payload) or binary (kmod/kmdl) form. If
code is good enough to ship, it should be shipped in the kernel package. If
it's not, then it should not be shipped at all with the 'Fedora' name on it."

Totally agree with this. But we, as Debian, being the "Universal Operating
System", should, IMVHO, try to support most types of technologies: as stated
by other people (corsac, for example), most hardware vendors provide DKMS
tarballs, why not supporting it? Why negate the users the ability to download a
tarball from the vendor's website and install it flawlessly?


 . ''`.  Debian maintainer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
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