On Thu, 2008-09-18 at 14:39 +0200, Michael Banck wrote:
> Indeed, what would this imply for our LSB compatibility?
> http://refspecs.linux-foundation.org/LSB_3.2.0/LSB-Core-generic/LSB-Core-generic/libncurses.html
> seems to say libncurses.so.5 is the required one, will we lose LSB
> compatibility if we start shipping libncurses.so.6 instead?

Upstream is doing that change; ncurses can't be forever stalled because
of LSB, you see. So, as far as I know, what will be needed is for the
LSB to be updated, at some point, and while this isn't done, and perhaps
for some time after that, distributions will need to keep on shipping
libncurses.so.5 along with .so.6, when LSB compatibility is needed.

See you,

Gustavo Noronha Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian Project

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