Artyom Shalkhakov wrote:
> Hello,

>> Nix is a purely functional package manager. It allows multiple
>> versions of a package to be installed side-by-side, ensures that
>> dependency specifications are complete, supports atomic
>> upgrades and rollbacks, allows non-root users to install software,
>> and has many other features.
> The claims that I think are valuable are:
> - *all* dependencies of a package are automatically found by Nix,
>   no exceptions,
Hmm... Nix probably use libastral, doesn't it? Even for C/C++ programs there
is no way to 100% automatically determine entire list of runtime
libraries/tools needed for some particular program (consider runtime library
opening and all non-library dependencies).

> - updates and rollbacks are atomic, an update can never break
>   your system.
This cannot be true. Consider package maintainer scripts. And, for example.
purge of config files cannot be reverted.

> What do you think of adopting Nix as a package management
> tool for Debian? I would like to accentuate that I seek
> an informative discussion, not a holy war.
Nix, as mentioned on its homepage, installs some info in /nix (hey, FHS) and
keeping all versions of packages/libraries -> system bloat and a hell for
security team. It has nothing to do with our apt infrastructure, it doesn't
understand it and invented its own wheel. I think no way for Nix in Debian. We
have excellent dpkg, we have not-so-excellent, but rather good apt, and
significant amount of Debian users choose Debian just only because of apt. IMO.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)
Ukrainian C++ Developer, Debian Maintainer, APT contributor

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