On Sun, 28 Dec 2008 21:04:24 +0100, Norbert Preining wrote:

> > 2008/12/28 Lisi Reisz <lisi.re...@gmail.com>:
> > > this topic is idiotic.  For those of us who are old enough to have
> > > been officially and by law down-moted to second class citizenship when
> > > we married; by law lumped in with children, and not in with men.

>       "by law down-moted to second class citizenship when we married"
> It was *YOUR* decision, and in the countries I am imagining you living
> there is parity between spouses.

Maybe you missed the "old enough" in Lisi's mail.
In Austria for example equal rights between man and woman in a
marriage exist only since 1975.
Cf. http://www.demokratiezentrum.org/media/pdf/info_familienrecht.pdf

> Rights for women, yes, but femminist bullshit like the above, please
> don't unload your personal (ex-)marriage problems on "men-in-general", 
> go to a therapist.

Could you please try to get back to a more civil tone? Thanks.

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