Darren Salt wrote:
> I demand that Eugene V. Lyubimkin may or may not have written...
>> kc.ubuntu...@centrum.cz wrote:
>> <...>
> [note: reformatted]
>> I don't feel comfortable to answer on your mails. Use '>' for quoting,
>> don't include mail headers into answers, and wrap the text, really. Why I
>> have to spend my time to parse your mails while you don't have a time even
>> to configure your mail client?
> Says he who uses too long a line length. This brings with it some other
> problems, such
> as wrapping of the too-long lines such that it is normal for a long line to
> be followed
> by a very short line. Which isn't exactly readable.
Yes, I try to follow these rules too. I just checked my settings and my mail
client had setting of 90 characters instead of 78. How ironic, yes...
Beat me if you want. And I didn't mentioned that line is a bit longer than
it have to be. *sigh* At least, this discussion led to even one result.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)gmail.com
C++/Perl developer, Debian Maintainer

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