> [Daniel Baumann]
> > although probably almost everyone already does, it's finally time to
> > drop nfs-user-server (nfs-kernel-server has got support for nohide).
> When are host netgroups expanded by nfs-kernel-server?  I had the
> impression that only the user space server would expand the host
> netgroups used to control NFS exports when a mount request arrive,
> while the kernel NFS server would expand them when the exportfs call
> was done.  The latter do not work well for netgroups with changes done
> after the exportfs call.
> I use the user space NFS server to make sure netgroups are expanded
> when the mounting happen, and not during boot of the server.

My experience says that it is expanded at the time of the mount request (I keep
my netgroup entries in LDAP and I never had to do an extra exportfs call after
changing entries).


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