On Fri, 2009-03-13 at 16:04 -0400, Dale Scheetz wrote:
> I have a Samsung 42" HD TV. It has a connector for a computer monitor
> input, and I have been trying to get a computer hooked up to use it as
> a monitor with little luck. If the machine runs Windows it will use
> the monitor correctly as a display. If I run Damn Small it will
> display, but the bottom portion of the screen is below the bottom of
> the TV screen. Ubuntu, Knoppix, and Debian all produce "Mode Not
> Supported" messages on the TV but produce no display. If I try to use
> the Debian Install disk to create a new system, the boot up stuff
> displays fine, but when it gets to the first installation screen the
> text is diagonally ripped and unreadable.
> On one of my laptops, even in windows there is no display. (I assume
> that the graphics card in that machine doesn't support the screen
> modes necessary.
> On the machine where windows works, I assume the graphics card is
> capable, and I only need a functional MODE line in the config file.
> At work we use wide screen TVs as monitors in meetings where groups
> need to view the screen, but then we only have Windows machines
> there...
> Does anyone have any idea what the mode line should look like for these 
> devices?


You will probably need to manually specify a mode line, something like


(This question is probably more appropriate on debian-user or the xorg
mailing list)

Sven Arvidsson
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