On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 07:03:26PM +0100, Luk Claes wrote:
> Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> > Now almost a month ago, I asked Don Armstrong to create architecture
> > tags in the BTS. I've always felt that such a thing would be useful,
> > because often porters are unaware of architecture-specific bugs, simply
> > because there's no way in the BTS to actually search for them. Having
> > such an ability could make porters of a particular architecture aware of
> > the issues that affect their architecture, and (where necessary) able to
> > help out.
> Note that porters can find many issues just by looking at the buildd.d.o
> [0] pages even for issues not (yet) known in the BTS for which they
> could file bugs.

I'm aware of that.

But there's a major difference between FTBFS bugs and
architecture-specific bugs. "emacs segfaults on m68k when the user hits
control-alt-meta-shift-a" is an example of an architecture-specific bug
that is unlikely to be found by an autobuilder, and is the kind of bugs
this type of usertags is primarily useful for.

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