Raphael Geissert <atomo64+deb...@gmail.com> writes:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > * the fact that the URL doesn't necessarily indicate what VCS tool is
> >   needed to interact with it (just about all of them allow an HTTP URL
> >   for public read-only access, so that's what will commonly be used
> >   here)
> That can easily solved, svn+http://...

I'd prefer, if the information is to be encoded in the URL, that the
URL should remain useable as-is with the VCS tool itself.

I know that's possible for ‘svn+http://’, but it's not possible for
‘bzr+http://’ if the files are merely stored on plain HTTP (i.e.
without a Bazaar server driving it). What about others?

> > * the plethora of different concepts for mapping identifiers to
> >   specific working trees in different VCSen (revision-id and branches
> >   and tags, oh my!)
> uscan would retrieve the information (say the output of svn info
> svn://domain.tld/repo/) and match the rest of the pattern against the
> output. Whataver is specified is what would uscan would svn export.

No, I'm referring to the fact that one wants to specify not just the
repository location, but all the information necessary to identify a
specific working tree state from the repository. Which might be a
particular revision committed, or a branch or a tag or whatever. Those
have different syntax, and different semantics, in the different

 \         “We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!” |
  `\    —Vroomfondel, _The Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy_, Douglas |
_o__)                                                            Adams |
Ben Finney

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